Too much of a party school?

<p>Where is University Village?</p>

<p>do not go to a party school it will ruined you’re chances in succeding in collage</p>

<p>^^ I’m guessing not an English major…sorry, couldn’t resist… ;-)</p>

<p>Giantsgirl1234: How is this relevant? You gave absolutely no input whatsoever on the actual question. Plus, couldn’t EVERY college (excluding JHU and some ivy league schools) be considered a party school? From what I’ve heard, there’s gonna be partying pretty much anywhere…</p>

<p>Univ. Village is just a block of campus by the baseball field. No main roads to cross. The campus buses go there. It is situated by many fraternity houses.</p>

<p>UM is considered a “party school” in my opinion because of easy access (though not so close) to party areas, ie, the Grove and South Beach. </p>

<p>I think it is somewhat more difficult to find your group these days because so much takes place in the dorm room… TV’s with cable, computers, cell phones, gaming systems. When us parents were in school not everyone brought up a TV. We had to leave our rooms to socialize and find things to do.</p>

<p>FYI- The students seem very happy at UM. It is a great place, plenty of outdoor time and things going on, on campus, during the day, to make you feel very connected to the “U”. Students are intelligent, there is a lot of research going on, advisement is great and the kids are treated very, very well.</p>

<p>I need to correct an error in post #20. The first University Village option should read:</p>

<p>University Village (4 students/4 bedrooms/2 bathrooms)- $4,245 </p>

<p>University Village (4 students/4 bedrooms/4 bathrooms)- $4,590</p>

<p>ALL BEDROOMS at the Village are private rooms. And for the slightly higher price you would not only have your own bedroom, but also your own bathroom.</p>

<p>Hmmm… they must have lowered the price sine I was a junior. I remember when we decided to live off campus, it was much cheaper than UV. Now looking at those prices, it breaks down to roughly $770/mo over 12 months, where my rent was $600 + utilities + a parking pass.
Still glad I didn’t have to deal with the shuttles.</p>

<p>It really is not far at all, just across from the baseball stadium. You can walk or ride your bike from there.</p>

<p>Actually every school just about is a party school including the Ivies. Didn’t you see Social Network and the drinking at Harvard? hahaha</p>

<p>My S lived in a fraternity house on San Amaro Dr., right next to UV and only took the shuttle in extreme downpours. The walk to class from UV is really no farther than from the towers. UV is directly across the street from the Hecht Athletic Center.</p>

<p>Yea, I agree. I think they are all party schools.</p>

<p>I used to live down the road from Wheaton College, which had an extremely strict no-alcohol, dancing, smoking policy. The students had to sign pledges before they could attend. Since it is an evangelical college you would think that they would have upheld their pledge, right? Nope, those kids partied up a storm. I think it is just part of going away to school.</p>

<p>I’m at Georgia Tech right now for a conference… and… if you think UM is a party school, you should really walk by “fraternity row” over here. Wow. I’ve never seen something so insane. Beer pong at every frat, right out on the road, with music blasting. Red plastic cups littering the floor. It seems really, really, obnoxious. I don’t normally walk by the frat houses at UM, but I’m pretty sure they’re not usually like this.</p>