party school?

<p>Is UM too much of a party school? </p>

<p>I was admitted to the jazz piano program on a pretty large scholarship, and I'm inclined to go becuase the jazz program is first rate. However, I'm concerned that I'm not the best fit for the environment of UM; were it not for my musical interests, I probably would have gone to a top 20 school - I have similar stats. I hope this doesnt come across the wrong way - I know UM is a great school academically but I'm concerned about the party school reputation. I really hope that its not as bad as what Ive heard about the place, becuase I love the music program and the scholarship I'm getting! </p>

<p>Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>I used to be worried about this too (you can see my first ever thread here that I posted about a month ago).</p>

<p>But you know what? Every school is a party school. It's really up to you. For example, Wisconsin-Madison is the number one party school and it is still considered academically great. I believe UM can improve to that level too if we give it some time. We've still got a long way for this school.. Besides, you're not even allowed alcohol in the dorms therefore if you're not looking for parties you won't be pressured into it. At least I think that applies to every school. So I hope you decide to attend because you've got a nice scholarship deal there, plus I have a friend who goes to UM.. she said UM's music school is ranked pretty high.</p>

<p>Most importantly, you can't beat Miami's weather :)</p>

<p>Okay....from a parents point of view. Is UM a party school. Yes and No. Can you party? Yes. Do you have to party? No. Is it worse than most schools? No. Is it more party orienteted than some? Yes...depends on the competetion. With that being said......UM does not allow alchohol in the dorms if your under age. Period. The RA's are on the watch for can be written up....and so many violations you will be expelled. Do they party in the Frat houses....yep. Do they get caught? Sometimes yes...sometimes no. Do they party at the Orange Bowl....without a doubt! Do they party in the Grove or at Sunset? Yes. Once again....whether to party or not, is your decision. I have heard of a kid getting down there...partying too much...and consequently literally "flunking" out. Does it happen much? That's hard to say....I'm sure it happens more than once...but does it have to happen to you....No. A lot of the stereotypical thinking about UM is just that...stereotype...the U is not "Sunshine-Party" school anymore. With that said....has my son partied....Sure...he's told me some things that qualify as awesome sounding parties...and he's also told me about studying and studying hard. It's all about personal choices.</p>

<p>I think you will find plenty of like-minded, academically focused students at UM, and the jazz program is top-notch. I don't think you would regret attending. If you decide UM is for you, I recommend requesting Stanford for your dorm choice. It has music practice rooms and also substance-free floors. Good luck.</p>

<p>Hi - I have 3 sons, too, plus a daughter at the end. </p>

<p>I'm hoping my firstborn picks Miami, but he's still hung up on a few others. It seems like Miami might be the best "deal" while Washington University is the best "fit." We have too many kids to spend such big bucks on one undergrad degree. The "fit" is so important, though, because you want the kids to be happy. He visited WashU, and he really really liked the people. </p>

<p>Do you have any advice for the studious pre-med kid at Miami?</p>

<p>jaxmo-I wish I had the magic answer for you, but I don't. Your S has great choices which is wonderful, but makes it so much harder. The only thing I can tell you is that my S is a biochem/premed kid and has found his classes challenging. He studies hard but is not chained to his books and has managed very good grades. He has found a nice academic/social balance, although he is sometimes envious of kids in other majors with lighter workloads. He does spend a few nights a week in the library. I think for kids who want more challenges, there are plenty of opportunities. My S has always been a conscientious student and very good at separating responsibilities and distractions. I think this type of kid will be the most successful at UM because there are tons of distractions; it would not be the place for my other two!</p>

<p>S is not into the club scene but enjoys going to Coconut Grove and Sunset Strip. He has gotten involved in many campus activities and is in a fraternity. He loves attending all the sporting events and participating in intramurals. There is always something going on. This summer he will be attending a study abroad program (run by UM) in Spain.</p>

<p>Our family has had a very positive experience with UM. I think it could be a good choice for your S. Good luck.</p>

<p>Mine is in Gainesville today (spent the night there with a friend). He says he was out playing ultimate frisbee, and who showed up but Lee Humphrey (the basketball player). Who knows what he'll end up deciding? I appreciate your advice, and I think he'll be successful wherever he goes.</p>

<p>LOL, Humphrey was stroking it in the National Championship. It wasn't even fair. Florida trounced them.</p>

<p>Coltrane - Stamford is doubling the number of sub-free floors for next has become a sought after alternative for many. My D was really happy she chose to go that route.
You will also find lots of music majors in Stamford - it has practice rooms and is close to the music dept. (and the practice field for marching band is right outside if you're going to do that!!).</p>

<p>Coltrane -
Do let us know what you now think with the very good advice from all - because my son may go there too...:)</p>