<p>Caucasian Female
From a very competitive public high school in New Jersey</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 94.6 (not really sure what that translates to on a 4.0 scale)
Courses Taken: 5 APs (US History, Art History, Economics, Chemistry, and English), all the rest are Honors courses</p>
ACT: 31
SAT: 2090
Reading: 710
Math: 670
Writing: 710</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:<br>
Varsity Swimmer, 4 Years (Capitan Senior Year)
Girl Scouts, 13 years, Gold Award in progress
Youth Group, 4 years
High School Chorus, 4 years
Church Choir, 11 years
Altar Serving, 10 years
National Honor Society, 2 years
Student Council, 4 years
Editor of Teen Perspectives Page in Town Newspaper, Senior year
Job: Lifeguarding, approx. 8 hours/week, 2 years
Job: Teaching Swim Lessons, approx. 3 hours/week, 2 years
150 + hours of community service</p>
<p>Very good essays, excellent recommendations</p>
<p>Notre Dame is without a doubt my first choice.
Please chance me! Also, any suggestions would be incredibly helpful!</p>