Too Taboo?

I was on a service trip (and i know youre not supposed to write about them, but just hear me out) and I witnessed a domestic violence incident while on the trip, which has forever left me scarred. Since then, I have become increasingly interested in women’s issues and domestic violence issues and plan on training to work at a shelter in the near future. How can I keep the balance of writing a tasteful essay (without making it seem like I’m like glorifying the incident and whatnot), showing who I am as a person, and maintaining a strong, poignant narrative? Is this topic too taboo?

I think you can write about this incident. This was obviously not on the itinerary for your service trip. It was something that you witnessed that made a huge impact on your life. I wouldn’t worry too much about “glorifying” the incident, keep it real and honest and no one is going to think you want to use it just to gain access to college.

Thank you very much-- that is a great point.

It might be a hard topic not because it’s “taboo” but because the subject of the essay isn’t really you. It will be challenging to balance the essay between describing other people and sharing enough about yourself – but if you’re up for the challenge, then go for it!