<p>Hey i wanted to apply to UC Davis and i was wondering how i could get a better feel for the campus. When i envision UC Davis I see (No Offense) a bunch of nerds and asians that are uptight and quiet i hoe my view of UC Davis is misled because other than that i feel like it’d be a good fit for me. but i just wanna know is UC Davis a friendly and social school? How about Parties are there any?</p>
<p>The best way to get a feel for the campus is to visit for yourself.</p>
<p>Yeah, there are nerds, but with so many students you don’t have to hang out with the nerdy types if you’d prefer not to. Though you totally should, because w-<em>ahem</em> they are actually pretty cool ;)</p>
<p>To your comment about Asians: [url=<a href=“http://admissions.ucdavis.edu/profile/]This[/url”>http://admissions.ucdavis.edu/profile/]This[/url</a>] gives you an idea of demographics.</p>
<p>Uptight and quiet? I’m curious where you got that. Yeah there are certain individuals that are like that (as is the case with any large group of people), but on the whole I’d say that people are generally the opposite. People are definitely friendly, and most will be happy to chat provided they’re not busy with something.</p>
<p>Parties? You just need to take the initiative to find them. If you sit around in your room, of course you won’t find them. But they’re definitely out there if you’re into that sort of thing; on the flip side, for someone who isn’t into them they’re easy to avoid as well.</p>
<p>My son is a freshman at UC Davis right now. He is very social and also very smart (nerd?). I asked him yesterday how Davis is turning out for him so far and he said that Davis is perfect and he couldn’t be happier. I think living in the dorms helps with the social aspect but I am sure that he goes out of his way to make friends too. So I think Davis can be very friendly and social if you want it to be. And even the nerds can be social and fun.</p>
<p>Just because you see Asians being quiet and studious does not mean they are uptight. I’ve seen many Asians here who are studious during the school weekdays, yet are social party-goers on the weekends.</p>