Top 10%

<p>Ok well I have pretty much known that I wanted to go to UT since I started High School but I just recently started looking into applying and stuff, and well this stuff about Top 10% acceptance has got me thinking I might not get in. I am Top 12%(59 of 494) in a very competitive high school(we sent two students on full-ride to Stanford this year and five to Carnegie Mellon two of which were full-ride) and I was wondering is the Top 10% thing really that big of a deal? I mean it would suck to have 150+ hours of community service, all Honors classes, 2100 on SAT, and membership in seven clubs and not get into the one university I wanted to attend. BTW I hope to enroll in the Aerospace Program there and I'm in Houston now so I would be In-State.</p>

<p>Try to bump it up senior year when most seniors don't care about GPA anymore. However, with your SAT scores, etc you have a good chance.</p>

<p>yes, top 10% is a big deal. Get into top 10% and you'll be automatically accepted, but some of my friends who are outside the top 10% were also accepted. It is better to be in it though because you are guaranteed a spot.</p>

<p>top 10% is your best chance...REGARDLESS, APPLY EARLY</p>

<p>Also, take honors courses. I heard about 2 girls with 4.0's who were not accepted. However, they were not top 10% since most of the higher ranking students take honors courses. I don't know this, but I'm guessing that even if they made all A's, with no honors courses their SAT scores might not have been that great.</p>

<p>Welcome. to. my. world. </p>

<p>You just summed up my stats to the letter. I finished 2nd decile at a very competitive Dallas private school, took every AP offered, had a slew of ECs, got a 2100 SAT (we're nearly 200 pts above their average!). This is where it gets scary-One of my ECs was NASA High School Aerospace Scholar where I spent a fuly paid for week in Houston studying NASA equipment under the guidance of NASA interns. I applying for Aerospace Engineering 2nd choice. </p>

<p>I'll be attending UTSA as a CAP student next year. Seriously, find that 2% ahead of you and bake them some poison cookies.</p>

<p>Vyse, is there some way to have your application reviewed? It sure sounds as if a mistake might have been made in not granting you admission. In any case, I'm sure you'll be allowed to transfer in after your year at UTSA, since a lot of those "10%ers" will flunk out.</p>

<p>Vyse that cant be right they had to be smoking something when they did that. but if that is the truth then i guess i better get ready for a year in San Antonio or just forget UT altogether because even I didnt do the Texas Aerospace Scholar program(mainly because i found out about it two months too late to sign up). shouldnt UT do something about this because its seems really retarded to discriminate against kids that really did work their hardest during high school(all honor/AP classes) and just because they were in a competitive high school dont get accepted because they failed to make the top 10%. i thought they would have dropped this policy after that dateline or w/e program about it. seriously though does anyone a good recipe for poision cookies? :P</p>

<p>either way i will be applying as early as possible.</p>

<p>summer school is also an option. I has similar stats to both of you, but my rank fell a bit further off (try top 16%). Anyway, they sent me a notice that i would be required to complete some of my freshmen intro courses over the summer at UT, but would then enter regularly into the freshmen class. I'm not sure but they might only do this for liberal arts and natural sciences, so aerospace might be out of the question anyway. I didn't end up accepting the offer, but if you really want to go to UT and you don't get in cleanly due to your rank, this might be what you're facing.</p>

<p>^^ Two of my friends got that summer offer, but they were a bit ahead of me in rank.</p>

<p>they cant just drop the top 10% rule...I believe it is a state law that is being reviewed and most likely taken out of legislation in the near future</p>

<p>yeah UT is for sure fighting the law</p>

<p>Vyse -</p>

<p>where you staying at UTSA next year? and what orientation you going to?</p>


<p>Expect the top 10% rule (or some variation) to be around for some time to come - the urban and rural districts love it.</p>

<p>but the private schoolers who have lots of money and political influence do not. Some are admitted to Harvard and Yale, but cannot get into UT which is quite rediculous.</p>

<p>It takes a tremendous amount of motivation to get the state legislature to overturn a law. They are more apt to leave things as they are. I think the best that can be hoped for is they amend the law to be the top 5%.</p>

<p>I think you will get in with an SAT score of 2100, but if you want to be guarenteed acceptance, the best route to go is to be in the top 10%.</p>

<p>I'm not entirely sure if I want to go to UT anymore actually. The whole top 10 thing got me looking at other colleges and I have fallen in love with USC and Case Western but I will be applying to UT and TAMU either way.</p>