I picked my schools based solely on its reputation in the field I'm interested in taking in the future. Let me go to Harvard for engineering. It may sound impressive, but you will be heavily looked down upon by peers from other schools who are in the know and are in the mix.
<p>I know someone who was a top candidate for both Stanford and Harvard, and was hard-set on engineering, and chose Harvard, even though distance and financial aid weren't factors. People are guessing it was the "prestige."</p>
His rationale is that since the uni is putting so much money into the school as we speak, an initially low engineering student body + influx of cash = more money/student.
<p>That's an interesting rationale. But then you have to consider that at schools where the engineering program is already top, money galore is being put into the programs to sate the top people in these programs. And of course, that's not even counting the typically superior faculty, better and more plentiful facilities, the best-of-the-best grad students, amazing library collections in the area, etc. Perhaps it's just me, but I'd much rather go to a school with a top program rather than one with an up-and-coming program in my field of study. Then again, how will that up-and-coming program grow without people having faith in it?</p>
<p>I have faith in Harvard's engineering, I do.</p>
<p>(But it just ain't the same as Stanford's. :))</p>