Top 3 PRETTIEST and Top 3 UGLIEST State Flagship Campuses.

<p>Here's my opinion:</p>

<p>Top 3 Prettiest:
1. University of Washington
2. University of Kansas
3. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign</p>

<p>Top 3 Ugliest:
1. University of Arkansas
2. University of Idaho
3. University of South Carolina</p>

<p>...what's yours?</p>

<p>University of Delaware is known for its colonial architecture. I do have to agree, the Green is beautiful. I’ve heard good things about University of Mary Washington too, although that’s not a flagship.</p>

<p>I don’t have a Top 3 for each, but Indiana U definitely belongs in prettiest, and UMass definitely belongs in ugliest.</p>

<p>I just visited IU, and I didn’t think it was very pretty at all. But it’s winter…</p>

<p>Haha I just visited and I thought it was absolutely gorgeous!</p>

<p>lol that’s kind of weird. I will return in the summer though, when it’ll hopefully be looking better.
I think UIUC is much prettier than IU though.</p>

Indiana University-Bloomington
University of California-Santa Cruz
University of Colorado-Boulder
University of Hawaii
University of Virginia</p>

<p>I second UVA.</p>

<p>Throw UNC-CH in there, too.</p>

<p>Michigan State can be really pretty.</p>

<p>There’s no way University of South Carolina can be one of the ugliest. That campus is one of the nicest I’ve seen, and parts of it look like a resort.</p>

<p>UH Manoa is definitely not one of the prettiest universities…
the natural weather in hawaii makes it nice but the overall campus and buildings is nothing compared to other universities.</p>

<p>I do agree with the OP about University of Washington being a pretty campus (idk if its the prettiest but it’s gotta be up there). The grass, trees, walkways, buildings all compliment each other well.</p>

<p>Here’s another vote for the University of Washington-Seattle for prettiest flagship U. Very well laid out, beautiful flowering tress, gorgeous views of the lake and mountains beyond. A feast for the eyes.</p>

U Washington</p>


<p>TOP 5 Hottest actresses
Jessica Simpson
An Jo
k Heigl
M Tomei</p>

<p>TOP 5 ugliest women
Lisa Lamponelli
Maggie Gylenhall
The Rock</p>

<p>U of WA definitely top 3 prettiest. Haven’t visited too many others, mainly CA but none compared to UW.</p>

<p>Rutgers, unless there is something wrong with my vision, your additions are incorrect in your prettiest campuses and hottest acctresses. Furthermore, although we are now digressing from the original intent of this thread, I cannot agree with your evaluation of Maggie Gylenhall. She is quite a dish if you ask me…certainly not your typical fare I grant you, but a nice dish just the same.</p>

<p>Agreed that the University of Kansas has a beautiful campus. So does its in-state rival, Kansas State University. The University of Missouri-Columbia (“Mizzou”) also has a beautiful campus. Texas A&M’s campus is definitely a serious contender in the “ugly” category.</p>

<p>I have seen some ugly campuses and the University of South Carolina does not even come close to top 3. I think it’s very pretty, particularly the Horseshoe.</p>

<p>Colorado’s setting is breathtaking; Wisconsin’s is fabulous too. U. of Georgia is really very park-like and beautiful. I’d put it up there with Chapel Hill and U.Va. for classic Southern appeal. </p>

<p>For wretched post-modern architectural hell at a flagship, you just can’t top (or bottom, as the case may be) SUNY-Albany. To think that there was a time in which this design was considered cutting edge is mind-boggling.</p>

<p>as a Georgian, I fear for the possibility of having to go to UGA, due to its disgusting campus. It has less greenspace than GT, which is in the city >_></p>

<p>GAdad, my parents went to SUNY-Albany, they’d wholehartedly agree (those from what I’ve seen, that fountain looks nice :D)</p>

<p>Surprised no one has mentioned the University of Arizona yet. They have the most beautiful campus out of all the state flagships.</p>