Top Degree-granting Institutions for Hispanics

<p>Hispanic</a> Outlook</p>

Florida schools were dominant, with Florida International University (FIU) topping the list of Top 100 schools conferring both bachelor's and master's degrees. FIU also scored the highest percentage of Ph.D. recipients. Nova Southeastern led the list of schools conferring the most doctoral degrees. However, Texas schools had the highest percentage of degree earners in the areas of bachelor's and master's degrees.


<p>Additionally, Hispanic females make make up more of the degree-recipients than Hispanic males:</p>

More Hispanic females than Hispanic males obtained master's degrees in 2009. In fact, Hispanic females outnumbered Hispanic males achieving master's degrees in more than 90 percent of the schools on our Top 100 list. Latinas were shown to earn more bachelor's degrees than Latinos too. More than 95 percent of the Top 100 schools for bachelor's to Latinos had more Latina than Latino recipients.


<p>By the numbers:</p>

<p>Bachelors Degrees:
Hispanic</a> Outlook</p>

<p>Masters Degrees:
Hispanic</a> Outlook</p>

<p>Doctorates Degrees:
Hispanic</a> Outlook</p>