Top Public Universities with Generous Out of State Aid

<p>i may be a freshman in Ohio state next year.
i am also an international student, but i didn't got scholarship in the first year.
is there anyone who knows how to apply the scholarship when i study in university?
is it easy to get it?
what about the loans and financial aid for international students?
yuxx1006 is online now</p>

<p>I had forgotten about my post of 2 weeks ago.
How naive I was!
I now have a plan. She will be considered in-state at the 5 public universities I am considering for her (thanks to NMF), and one of those is a free ride if her dad won't pay $15,000 per yr for one of the other 4. they all have good departments in her field.
this is a consequence of first finding colleges that would give in-state tuition for NMFs.
then it was just a matter of emailing the science depts of those colleges asking questions about their equipment (she's interested in science) and courses and undergrad research.
I'm not bothering with LACs because I don't want her to have debt. LACs have their advantages, but my d doesn't have the luxury of investigating, nor does she have the patience for applying for scholarships. </p>

<p>to each his own college hunt, and we are winding up ours!</p>

<p>juststoppingby--good plan! Good work! Hurray for you and your D!</p>

<p>yuxx1066--look in the Financial Aid forum for a thread that addresses your questions. And contact the finaid office of the university you are interested in with your particular questions.</p>

<p>Cool thread. </p>

<p>Do some schools give you scholarships no matter what(as long as you meet the requirements, unless you screw up somehow) or do most only have a certain amount they can give out a year?</p>

<p>It depends on the school. Some have cutoffs for applying, some just give you averages of who has gotten money in the past, some guarantee the money if you meet the criteria given. No rules, depends on the school.</p>