topic of your choice essay

<p>if we're doing a "topic of your choice" essay personal statement, do we have to write out our prompt above the essay, so the colleges would know what our prompt is, and how well we answered it?</p>

<p>I don’t think so.</p>

<p>I was wondering the same; if I needed a title/header for my essay or not.</p>

<p>Your choice, if your essay would make more sense if it had a topic/prompt/title at the top, then do it, however, if it doesn’t need one for the essay to be understood, then don’t add one.</p>

<p>I would suggest writing out the topic, so they can see what prompt you are answering. That’s just a guess though.</p>

<p>It doesn’t say “prompt” of your choice, it says “topic.” I’m sure the topic of your essay will be very clear through reading the essay, since the topic, by definition, is what you wrote about.</p>