<p>Gotta love these boards. Of course Penn State is the Best! It graduates 18,000 students a year and they all are beating the pants off those idiots who spent $250k at ivy league schools. These boards hurt students who are looking for the right school for their needs. There are so many schools in between a huge degree mill such as Penn State, a technical school for engineers like GA Tech, and an ivy league like Cornell. But of course, you and your kid are the best if they happen to be at a school mentioned in these surveys and you can subtly brag to all those unfortunate kids at University of XXXXXXX that their future is not as bright as yours. If only students actually got on here in significant numbers and described their actual experiences. That might almost be worth reading.</p>
<p>Yes there are. And it’s stupid to base a college decision on rankings (of any sort), but that doesn’t mean it isn’t nice to see your school mentioned.</p>