<p>I applied to my colleges as a Computer Engineer major, but I'm not sure what I want to do. If I do change my major, I think that I'll be in the math/science field...</p>
<p>I have been waitlisted to most of my reach schools but these are the only 3 I'm considering...
Johns Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon</p>
<p>The other schools I'm considering are
Penn State at University Park
U Mass Amherst
SUNY Binghamton
Macaulay Honors at Hunter College.</p>
<p>My parents really want me to go to Carnegie Mellon and I think I will attend there if I get in. They're offering me a 20k grant for this year but my parents are willing to take out loans for such a prestigious school.</p>
<p>As for the other schools I'm considering if I don't get into Carnegie Mellon, I don't know what do do...
Penn State and Binghamton aren't offering me any money, but U Mass is offering me a 10k scholarship. </p>
<p>Tuition after aid
Penn State : 35k
U Mass : 20k
Binghamton : 20k </p>
<p>Macaulay Honors at Hunter College is free tuition, free dorm, free apple i book, $7500 for study abroad and cultural pass. Everything about this is attractive, but Hunter College is a city college and I don't be saving that much money since tuition is only a couple thousand a year...</p>
<p>I'm not sure what to do, neither do my counselors... Can anyone point me into a right direction? Thank you so much for your help.</p>