Total Failure!

<p>Well im done with my act and i totally failed. On science i guessed on all of the last passage. I screwed up my essay (i had a great answer but i didnt write it corrrectly) i ran outa time on math, and even a bit on reading. the last reading section was easy to answer without reading it. oh well. life goes on. im still a junior so i have another oppertunity to kick the act's ***! and i did go to starbucks and i ordered a java chip frapachino. they put to much whip cream in it though.</p>

<p>dont feel so bad, I talked to a few kids..</p>

<p>One girl could have <em>sworn</em> it was AST
(S for stupid mmhmm?)</p>

<p>One guy said to me, "dude man, I hate these multiple choice tests, I like the single choice tests, its so ******* hard to choose multiple answers when I only know one!! do I answer 1, 2,4 how the hell do I know? Damn man."
(I stared at him in utter shock)</p>

<p>One girl at a glance seemed to have written one paragraph for the essay, then drew a picture of a burning ACT booklet.</p>


<p>It could be worse.</p>

<p>You can thank those people for boosting your percentiles</p>

<p>haha, it seemed the whole entire room I was in boosted my percentile, it was quite amusing. The proctor couldnt even read english, kept reading the directions over and over because she couldnt pronounce the words.</p>

<p>my proctor was horrible and she asked "does anyone here not know how to write an essay" and like 5 hands went up...and she helped EACH ONE OF THEM...***...she gave them ideas of what to write..explained the prompt and everything...she never read directions to each section nor instructions for the ACT in general haha.</p>

<p>im in the if i do normal its a 30 range, if i do bad (like i did) its a 27. and if a do well, it would be higher. this test is all about time. i had to guess so much it drove me insane. oh well, i guess i blew this chance, but there will be other chances to do well. i know if i do my best i can totally rock this thing. man i blew that writing!!! i had the perfect simplest excellent answer and i blew it! ahhhhhh!!!!!!! dang oh well. there will be more tests.</p>

<p>what was your perfect simple answer</p>

<p>don't worry about it sharkbite..time management is the hardest part about the test and it will come thourhg my answer was GPA, not necesarily a teacher's grade in case anyon'e curious</p>

<p>In my essay, I put that I agree with the I wrote that favoritism, parental pressures, and local politics make it impossible for a teacher to be objective. Then I put how some teachers are just not qualified. I also went on about how the education system needs to be fixed, and how a little writer's cramp is nothing compared to children slipping through the cracks. Finally, I said that testing isn't perfect, but it is the only feasible option (for the time being).</p>

<p>Math I didn't finish (randomly filled in the last page, ouch!)....Science was not fun, and English/Reading was okay. Oh well, it is over!</p>

<p>interesting. I said that teachers are reliable because they are in close contact with the students 5 days a week (some teachers).</p>

<p>too lazy to think of what i wrote, but it was a decent essay nonetheless. fun topic :P</p>

<p>My son took the test today for the first time...he thought he was well prepared, but he came home and hid under a blanket. He said it was harder than any practice test he had taken. He felt the Science was nearly impossible, and the Reading was almost so. In the past for Math practice tests, he might miss 4 or 5 total....but today he said it was very hard. Most of his friends who took the test agreed with him.</p>

<p>Is the December test notoriously the hardest one of the yearly cycle? Someone thought so. Any thoughts?</p>

<p> was harder than practice tests, but then again I usualyl don't do well under testing a horrible test-taker...i've never taken the ACT before but I thought I was prepared going in and pretty sure I didn't do as well as I imagined.</p>

<p>In my humble opinion, this ACT was actually the easiest of the four I have taken. Hopefully my score shows that!!!</p>

<p>RSquare, one of my prep teachers tells me that the October test is known for being the hardest of those administered; the December test is somewhat difficult (according to make those seniors who decided to wait until the last minute not get that extra--sort of like punishment). The October test, however, is the hardest (supposedly...) because if it wasn't, then ACT would never have seniors who sign up to take it again in December (I can verify this fact with the score drops in my school...). Otherwise, ACT would make less money; I'm not sure about your son's school or anything, but the June test always seems to have the highest scores for lets out in late May, and the stress of finals and school in general is gone, and we are able to produce some spectacular scores; Also, the first couple of weeks of summer vacation are often devoted to ACT prep, and our scores seem to reflect it.</p>

<p>Anonymous that actually makes sense.. a good business strategy...hmm something to think about.</p>

<p>ACT makers = Wharton? HAHA...</p>

<p>I took this today too.... It's a great test, but I had like, no practice. But the test is really great and I wish I'd taken it instead of those crappy SATs... I think I did ok, I only answered about half of the science questions however.</p>