Touring Georgetown on Election day - bad idea?

Since our schools are closed on election day we planned to use it as a day to visit a school within a 3 hour drive from our home - drive down the night before, tour the day of and drive home the day of.

Would it be unwise to plan a visit to Georgetown on Election day - is the DC area going to be any crazier than it normally would be on the day of a Presidential Election?

Actually congressional legislators and their staffs should be back in their home districts/states that day (at least if they are up for reelection).

@adlgel I think it could take away from the experience because the city will undoubtedly be on a higher alert. Putting the actual climate of the city aside and focusing on the school itself, I remember when we visited in June they said they are closed on Election day. They compared it to BC being closed on the day of the Boston Marathon each year. I don’t know if that means they will not hold any tours but the focus for the students is on the election.

DC may be crazy the day after the election, depending on who wins.

Election day should be fine. You might see student groups encouraging get out the vote on campus, but that is about it that would be different.

They allowed us to schedule an information session on Election Day so even if the school is closed for classes it appears the administrative offices are open. But we are also planning a visit to Johns Hopkins which I had initially planned for Oct 12th when our schools are closed for Yom Kippur. So I decided to switch the dates and visit Georgetown on 10/12 and Johns Hopkins on 11/8.

Honestly, it would have been fine. They don’t shut down on Election Day at colleges, even in DC.

I don’t know what other colleges in DC are doing but specifically to Georgetown, while they may not shut down, they said they don’t hold classes on presidential election day and encourage the students to take advantage of the political climate of the city they are in. For some, part of the college visit is getting familiar with the city the college is in. Might not be the best day to try to tour DC.

@adlgel Glad that you were able to work out that scheduling.