Transcript Processing Issue?

<p>I have finished my application, and Purdue has received my test scores. However, it still says they are waiting on my transcript. My counselor says she sent it and I'm pretty sure it was mailed via USPS on October 13th, but I KNOW it was mailed before Friday Oct. 15th. My transcripts for other colleges that were sent at the same time have long been processed (and I have actually already been admitted to one of them). So, this week I have emailed them numerous times, and they claim that they are behind, but that if it was mailed by the 15th it should have been processed already (but I don't really believe them). But then they said they had bins that had not been processed yet, so it contradicts what they said at first. I read an old thread about people having the same problem several years ago, and now I am beginning to get worried. I want to meet the Nov. 15th scholarship deadline. Is anyone else having problems with Purdue taking forever to process their transcript? What worries me even more is that they should have also received a teacher rec letter, a transcript from a community college, and a transcript from another school at which I take classes and there is no telling where that stuff is either. I get the feeling that Purdue admissions honestly has no idea if they have it or not, so I am left in limbo.</p>

<p>Purdue’s a large university, and I imagine at this point in the admissions season, they’re getting pretty flooded. However, three weeks is an awfully long time to process. I didn’t have the problem, as I’m in state and used e-Transcript to send mine in. And I applied early August. So I’d say to call them and see if it’s in their database somewhere but something funky happened with the tech aspect or something. I don’t really know what to tell you. But if any of your schools have e-Transcript/docufide for your transcripts, I’d recommend using that instead if you’re truly worried. </p>

<p>But, yeah, I don’t really know what to tell you. But you should be okay if it’s postmarked by November 15th. I believe that’s what the standard is anyways.</p>

<p>maybe you should email them and ask ? the admissions committee is really really helpful and i got a reply to most of my question within 24 hours. or you could call them and ask ?</p>

<p>It doesn’t hurt to send another copy of your transcript… I would wait another week and call them. Just explain your situation and tell them you sent or plan on sending them another copy. As naturaldistaster said it is a large university so they have thousands of transcripts to process.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information guys. Unfortunately, I go to a small private school and we do not have the ability to send transcripts electronically. My counselor is at a convention until Monday, so I think I will wait until then, and if it still does not show up I will call Purdue and if they can’t find it I will ask my counselor to send another one.</p>

<p>Don’t worry, they probably have it. Paper transcripts always take longer to process. It took them weeks, like over a month and a half, to acknowledge that they had my transcript when I applied (I was really worried, too). It also took them weeks this summer to process my transcript (also paper transcript) for my summer classes; so I called them and they actually had received it and had it in their system, but it just wasn’t on my online transcript yet.
They just have a lot of transcripts to organize and put into the system. Try calling the registrar directly, but I’m sure they get a lot of these calls so they might be kind of annoyed. They just don’t have enough people to process everyone’s papers in a short period of time. Trust me, they most likely have your transcript and it’s in the system, it’s just not online yet.</p>

<p>They responded via email today and said: “I apologize for the delay in responding but I wanted to make sure that we exhausted our efforts and checked everywhere possible. I had multiple searches performed by different people and still did not locate your high school transcript & counselor form. We did however receive your letter of recommendation back on Oct 12th. I would advise you to request your transcript to be sent again.” So I will have another one mailed on Monday just to be safe, even though I still think they should have it somewhere (or it was lost in the mail, which is completely possible).</p>