Transcripts sent after deadline

Most of the schools I’m applying to this year (Exeter, Choate, Loomis, St. Paul, Deerfield,…) have 15/1 app deadlines, yet my counselor has not sent the schools my transcript, though it has already been 3 days past the deadlines. Would these schools still accept my application as long as the transcript is sent within a week after the 15/1 deadline?

same here, it seems like counselors just suck nowadays lol. But Loomis says that as long as you have all your application materials from the student, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know how it is for others. I was planning to call after school yesterday to ask but my phone was taken. But if on that list is Hotchkiss the deadline is Jan. 20th

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ikr. There has been a notification that Gateway deadlines are now more flexible so I’m a bit less concerned. But I’m still not sure whether the untimeliness of my school’s submission would affect my chances at all.

thats what im saying. and on top of that some of my application submissions are marked as 16th when they were sent on the 15th. so idk how that’ll work out. what year are you applying for?

9th grader applying for 10th

10th applying for 11th!! what list of schools are you applying for?

thats great! im applying for those listed above + andover and indian springs

Generally, it’s fine.

You need to ask your current school when they expect to send, then let the schools you applied to know that you have been told.

This way, the schools you have applied to know you are trying to address this and that there will be a solution.

In these situations - and this pertains to all kinds of things --, it’s best that you communicate that you are aware of the issue and are addressing.


i orginally applied for:
Choate -
Deerfield -
St. Pauls

but i got bored and applied for mercersburg lol

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I had the same issue!

My daughters transcripts all arrived in February since their semester ended at the end of January.
Totally not an issue with any school we applied to over the past three years. :+1:

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Just so the kids are clear - there’s a difference between your school not uploading transcripts because they aren’t on top of their job and transcripts being “late” because of when your semester ends.

Make sure you are communicating with your current school and the schools you’re applying to. Most schools recognize that you don’t have a lot of agency in this but you do need to communicate.


Great point @one1ofeach! And I’ll add: taking time to upload grades doesn’t mean your school counselor sucks. It probably means they are very busy, and they aren’t serving a school of one. So be kind if you need to nudge. :). And don’t freak out if your transcripts come a bit after the deadline. I can’t think of a school that is going to penalize you for your grades coming in a bit late. :).

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