
<p>I would appreciate it if someone could answer me 2 questions:
1) Who should do the translation of the transcript? Is it ok if I send a paper translated by me and signed (and sealed) by the school (official)?
2) In my school in the end of the year we get a report with our grades in every course. Is there any case that this is not considered "the official transcript". I mean if I send this to colleges do you think they may have a problem?</p>

<p>Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>It has to be done and stamped by lawyer… The reports have to have a school stamp on them</p>

<p>Try to summarize all of your grades from the last 3-4 years on one sheet of paper, rather than having every single report card translated. (That’s how American schools would report your grades, anyway.) I did that myself and a teacher who was proficient in English verified the accuracy of my translation, and then the principal put a school seal on it and signed it.</p>