Transfer Advice

Okay, so I am currently a little over half way through my first semester in college as a musical theatre major. I go to a small liberal arts college that I absolutely love, but I am no longer interested in majoring in theatre. I would like to change my degree to political science; however, the school I am currently at doesn’t offer anything even remotely close to that field. I know this means that I’m going to need to transfer schools, and I have a lot of question about how to best go about that. I’ve read a lot about how it is easiest to wait until the end of a school year to transfer, but it feels weird to stay and pay so much money in a degree program I know I have no interest in pursuing. I’ve considered staying at my current school and switching to undeclared for the second semester to just take some gen eds, but I don’t know for sure what will or won’t transfer, and in high school I took a lot of AP and dual credit classes that eliminate most of my first year gen eds. I obviously want to come as close to graduating on time as possible, but I’m aware that it might not be completely realistic. I was wondering if anyone else had some knowledge that could help in making my decisions. This has been a crazy couple of weeks, and I could use all the help I can get.

I’ve never heard of a LAC that didn’t have Poly Sci. They have nothing that resembles that?

You need to run some numbers to see if the gen eds you could pick up justify the expense of another semester at this LAC instead of just doing those classes at your own home-town community college. Do consider taking a leave of absence (this preserves the option of returning to your LAC if you do decide you want to finish your degree there) at the end of the first semester, and then go home to make a bit of money and work on your transfer applications.