Transfer after one year at CC

I just started my first semester at RCC (Rockland Community College) 2 months ago. I was enrolled in their nursing program but I found the way of cramming pre requisites and nursing classes to be too difficult, plus I was still a little indecisive of doing nursing so I dropped out of it. Right now i’m taking A&P 1 and gen. psyc with like 2 one credit nursing classes. I’ve decided that I do want to give it my shot at getting a BSN and want to apply to Stony Brook and Binghamton University for Fall 2016 as a sophomore.
I’ve seen so many sites tell me it’s possible and impossible to get in as a sophomore. There could be a chance I may have to send in my high school and SAT score, even though I did take some RCC classes in high school (and did well).
My high school gpa was an 86 (I don’t know what it is on a 4.0 scale) and my SAT score was a 1620. I don’t know if I’ll get accepted when they see those grades, even though I’m doing really well right now in the semester (-A and above).
Can someone tell me what you guys think if I have a shot at getting accepted and have any of you guys transferred into a 4 year school successfully after one year at community college?

I actually know people at Bing who are coming specifically from RCC. I also know people who transferred after one ear, so that isn’t a huge issue, but in your case it might be helpful to have the two years so you can prove a very solid community college gpa.

Really? Did any of those people transfer to Nursing?