I am a student at SUNY Buffalo and am an intended nursing major. From the beginning I knew all nursing programs (especially SUNY and CUNY ones) were extremely competitive.
Since I have started classes (which are about manageable right now) I have become increasingly worried about not getting into the nursing school (kids with 4.0’s, not enough experience, sloppy letters of recommendations) have been rejected in the previous years. Our professors constantly warn about how hard it is (it is about 450 intended nurses for about 70 seats…about a 7% acceptance rate)
Because of this, I have considered enrolling into a CC to obtain my ASN and then work towards a BSN at a four year university. Money is very tight so private schools aren’t much of an option (scholarships are also limited). I just dont want to spent my parents money/loans on $40,000 of education to be told ‘no’ for my program and either have to transfer or change my entire major.
Would going to a local CC for my ASN be a good idea? Financially and academically?