I’m a freshman transfer student and I just started my second semester. I went to school A first semester and decided to transfer to school B for the second semester in the spring. At the very end of my first semester at school A I started to regret my decision to transfer but it was too late in the process to change my mind. I was very upset leaving school A and feel that I made a very stupid decision. Now that I am here at school B I am very unhappy and wish I could go back to school A. Is it possible to go back to school A this semester or would I have to wait. Or would it not be possible at all? What would be the steps I need to take? I am only a week in at my current school and I know that sounds like I haven’t given it a try but I really hate it here already. The things that bothered me at my old school would not bother me anymore.
Contact school A ASAP and ask.
If school A will take you back you would still have to figure out what money you could get back from school B if you have already paid for the semester.