Transfer Chance - Frost School of Music

<p>Hey there everyone,</p>

<p>I currently attend Florida International University and I'm in the process of transferring over to UM's Music Engineering Program. I have over 30 college credits so my high school records aren't needed but I just wanted to get an opinion of what you guys think my chances are of making it. </p>

<p>I have about 10 years of musical experience under my belt and felt that I wrote great essays really showing my dedication to the school and program. My only concern are my two classes that I feel I might get C's in (Calculus II and Physics 1). I may end up with around a 3.0 this semester and wanted to see if anyone had an idea of what Frost looks for in transfer students.</p>


<p>It’ll depend mostly on your audition. Nobody’s really going to be able to “chance” you for any music school.</p>