Transfer Chance question..please!!

<p>Hi, I am currently a freshman at a community college in illinois. What do you think will be my chance's at transfering to one of these schools for my sophmore year: Illinois state university, Ohio state university, Michigan state university, and Arizona state university.</p>

<p>HS: 2.0 gpa( horrible)</p>

<p>I have a 3.5 college gpa, along with 24 credits and community service. </p>

<p>thank you for the help!!</p>

<p>Check each school’s website and the 25th/75th percentile scores and GPAs for each school. Public schools tend to be pretty cut and dried with admission (save UCB or UM perhaps), so if your numbers are in the ballpark, things look good.</p>

<p>T1K1VP, what was your SAT score?</p>