Transfer Chances to Yale? Thanks for Looking

<p>Heya everyone,</p>

<p>Thanks for taking the time to take a look.</p>

<p>I'm very interested in applying to Yale because I would like to have the resources of their economic history graduate program and would like to hopefully be accepted into their ethics, politics, and economics major, something my current school does not offer. I am also interested in joining their varsity sailing team as well as their skeet & trap club team, but I don't think I will be undergoing recruitment for sailing. Nonetheless, here are my stats:</p>

<p>Honor Roll, NHS, AP Scholar w/ Distinction, School English award</p>

<p>SAT: 760 CR, 730 M, 680 Wr
Bio SAT II - 750
Math II Sat II - 760
AP English Lit - 5
AP English Lang - 5
AP Bio - 5
AP French - 5
AP Euro - 4
AP AB Calc - 4</p>

<p>High School GPA: Freshman - 92; Sophomore - 95; Junior - 98.6; Senior - 99.8
High School ECs:
---Economics Club - President
---Literary Magazine - Editor in Chief
---Young Investors Club - Co-founder and Vice President
---Varsity Tennis - Player and Playing Manager
---TV/Radio Club - Producer/Announcer/Reporter
---Sole Proprietor of Watercolor Painting Business</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.67 (low b/c couldn't go to class for 6 weeks because of pneumonia, but by the end of March should be around 3.86-3.88)
College ECs:
---Founder/writer/etc of Economicals magazine (has to do with everything that economics touches... finance to ethics to you name it)
---Sailing Team - Member
---Squash Team - Member
---Dance Marathon Committee (largest student philanthropy effort) - Group Leader
---founder of an economics type club as well.
---In a fraternity, hopefully a leadership position in Interfraternity Council</p>

<p>Thank you much!</p>