Transfer Chances

I am currently a first year at UC Berkeley and am look to transfer to (ideally) Brown or Georgetown for both personal and academic reasons. I was just hoping to get a better feel of my chances for admission to these schools.

College stats:
GPA: 4.0
Classes: 13 units last semester, 15 this semester
ECs: Public Health Coalition, International Health Committee member, writer and photographer for a magazine, member of the running club, member of the hiking club

High School stats:
GPA: 3.9UW/ 4.5W
SAT: 2070/2400, 1430/1600
ECs: varsity cross country and track (4years) captain (2years), volunteer at hospital (2years), track and field coach (4years), student ambassador (2years), link crew leader (2years), NHS

2 LOR from my last semester professors and I think I can write fairly solid essays.

Seems like you have a great as a chance as anyone else applying. Note that Brown is hovers (I believe) around the 5% and Georgetown is around the 10-15%. As long as you keep your expectations realistic you have a good chance!

Also knock out some solid essays as those will definitely help.

Georgetown yes and Brown seems to be a reach.

Congrats on making the big decision to transfer!

As I’m sure you’ve been told over and over in your freshman application process: the application is about the whoooole package, essays not least among them. You’re aiming for very competitive schools (which is awesome!!), so when you say you’ll write some “fairly solid” essays, don’t sell that component short. The transfer prompt is not nearly as free-form as the first time 'round for most freshman applications–by and large, the transfer prompt wants to know “your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.” Not handled properly, this prompt could very well lead to a dry essay. To bring that prompt to life, you’ll want to craft a neat angle to talk about your own college experience to date. Anything you can do to stand out from the pack, the better your chances, and writing EXEMPLARY essays is your golden opportunity to do so.

Your GPA is great! I think you have a good chance at both schools. Good luck!