Transfer chances

<p>Hi all! Loyola is my first choice and I'm eager to have a stats eval from those familiar with admissions there. I'm an American spending my freshman year of college in a public foreign university. It's my first year outside of America/the American educational system/English-speaking education, and so my grades are not good at all, but I mainly came for the experience and I'm hoping that Loyola will understand that.</p>

<p>My high school stats:
GPA 3.942 (weighted)
Class Rank 17 out of 202 (top 10 percent)
SAT 680 writing 670 critical reading 580 math
SAT II 700 French 600 Literature
AP English (4), AP French (5).. (my school only offered a few APs)
Mostly all honors/college prep classes</p>

<p>A few ECs
Good essay</p>