Transfer Chances???

<p>HS Profile:
HS GPA: 3.55
ACT: 32
AP Credits in Psych, US History, English Lang
Both Parents are UW Alumns
Involved in sports, employment, volunteer programs</p>

<p>College (Intending on Legal Studies):
joined a couple clubs, campus job</p>

<p>1st Sem GPA: 3.583
4cr-Rhetorical Fictions and 20th Century Conflicts:B
5cr-German 1003:A
4cr-Intro to Astronomy/Lab:B+
3cr-History of Rock and Roll:A</p>

<p>2nd Semester
4cr-Intro to American Literature
3cr-Criminal Justice in America
5cr-German 1004</p>

<p>I'm currently at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and I went to a high school that is a "Feeder school" for UW so I don't know if that will hurt or help. I'm just worried that my first semester courses may come off as too easy.</p>

<p>Any thoughts?</p>

<p>Sounds worth trying- it is known that it is easier to transfer than get in as a freshman and you have good college grades. Go for it!</p>

<p>The grades look OK. What's your intended major? Did you get postponed last year??</p>

<p>i did get postponed last year, I put on my app that I intend to major in Legal Studies, but I might change to History if I'm accepted.</p>

<p>That's why they don't care what your proposed major is when you apply- many people change theirs after starting. A reason to think about it for transfer purposes is to figure out for yourself if changing schools will benefit you.</p>

<p>so, do you think I have a good shot of being accepted?</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>

<p>Yuppers. A 3.6 with 16 credits is fine. I thought Uminn was on the Qtr system. Did they switch?</p>

<p>You might be thinking of Michigan State for the quarter system...</p>