Transfer Chances

<p>I am currently a Freshman at Case, majoring in Poli Sci and Hsty, minor in Econ and live right outside Pittsburgh.
My first semester GPA was a 3.538, and am taking 19 hours this semester. I play a varsity sport, and actively involved in one club, and will join another this semester, otherwise nothing interesting, no hooks.
2040, 3.7ish GPA, several APs, NHS, Student Government, Varsity sport, job, some volunteering, nothing too big.
Unfortunately I am not particularly close with any profs or TAs for various reasons, so I won't have any great recs. I qualified for need based aid last year at every school (FAFSA was horrible and there is no possible way my parents could meet the EFC, and my college fund took a severe hit when the market dipped). CMU would offer around the same amount of money, but I would be able to get an off campus apartment in Oakland and save some money on room and board.</p>

<p>Typically colleges offer much less FA to transfers than to freshmen. Are you sure CMU readily offers FA to transfers?
I think your college GPA is borderline, and without good recs you’re likely to have trouble getting in.</p>

<p>Apparently they do, my dad was working there (recruiting for FDIC several times a year) and talked to some people in FA and they would offer the same aid I am receiving now, but with the TAP fund I’d get a little more aid overall, and would be able to live off campus.</p>