Transfer Change Me Please!!!!!

<p>Hello all, let me be as brief as possible</p>

<p>-I finished my first fall semester at UW Whitewater (So I am freshman)
-I applied for a transfer to the UW Madison from UW Whitewater for fall 2013
-Applying for Russian Major
-Fall Semester got a 3.78 (on a 4.0 scale) and 17 credits. Classes included:
.Geography of Wisconsin
.Global Perspectives (History
.English 101
.Philosophy: Truth and the Media
.Math 041
.New Student Seminar(Class for "student support", and ironically the only class I got a B in )</p>

<p>-Got a letter of recommendation sent in
-Volunteered for the student paper as a photographer</p>

<p>-This semester I am taking 15 credits and 4 courses:
.Race and Ethnic Relations
.English 102
.Math 141 (intermediate algebra)
.Intro to Astronomy (5 credit course)</p>

<p>My only concern is that both my Math and Astronomy courses are relatively difficult, so there's a chance I will not get as good of grades this semester than last. How much will they take spring courses into consideration? I sent my application and materials in late January, and my transcripts were received mid February; How long will it take for a decision to be made? I would appreciate responses very much,</p>


<p>I believe your HS record will determine your admission as I judge your college courses to be not very challenging. If you would have been accepted to UW as a freshmen then I believe you will be accepted as long as you have good grades in the second half of your freshmen year. Good luck</p>

<p>Really? I talked to an admission representative and he said that my grades for my fall semester of college should be the biggest factor…and that my high school would not be as important</p>

<p>I don’t see any course that you taking that would tell me that you can survive at UW.</p>

<p>“Survive?” Either everyone else at Whitewater is academically challenged, or some of the courses I have taken have some degree of difficulty. Out of any student in the class, I had the highest grades in Global Perspectives, Geography of Wisconsin, Truth and the Media, and English 101( Which I am is not really not that difficult).<br>
I realize that I am not conversing with an admissions representative, though this is sort of an affront to my integrity. Hell or high water I am attending the UW Madison. I appreciate your first response, but the second was phrased rather insensitively.</p>

<p>I apologize if I am projecting my anxieties onto you. You are only giving me feedback</p>

<p>I’m going from UW-Whitewater too! Got accepted about a week and a half ago. Took me about a month to find out. I’m not sure if this helps but my stats were a college 4.0, 60 transferrable credits (30 from AP and 30 from this academic year), no letters of recommendation, 29 ACT. My classes were a bit more difficult because I placed into more advanced courses. For instance, only one of my classes this semester is a 100 level course. But good luck! I think you have an above average chance just based on the fact that it is a 3.8 at a UW school. They look more favorably on other UW schools I believe, but don’t quote me on that lol.</p>