Fall 2013 transfers?

<p>Hello everyone,</p>

<p>I'm currently in my first semester at U of Wisconsin-Whitewater, looking to transfer to UW-Madison for the fall of 2013. Is anyone in the same boat, and would they care to post stats and, when the time comes, their admission decisions?</p>

<p>My Stats for High School:
High school GPA: 3.2 with a a HUGE upward trend! My freshmen year was awful but I really got my act together and after sophomore year my semester GPAs where always in the 3.6-4.0 range
ACT: 25 (Kind of unbalanced, 30 on reading with a 22 on math :/ pretty sure this score is what killed it for me)
Two years of Spanish
AP Literature
AP English Language
AP Psychology
AP Biology
EC: Two years of band, four years of choir, two years of history team, one year of musical, four years of youth group, one year of volunteer work in the special education department, one year of paid work with the special ed department, and four years (and still employed) at a restaurant in my hometown.
One letter of recommendation from the Special Education teacher at my high school, who was also my supervisor for the work I did in that department.
I'd say my essays where good, but they weren't anything spectacular. </p>

<p>College stats:
15 credits, all A's except one A- that I am certain I can bring up by the end of the semester. 17 credits in mostly 200 hundred level classes next semester.
One of my statements is really personal and well thought out, but I am having trouble writing the other. My English professor is writing me a letter, along with my high school AP Psychology teacher. I do volunteer work with the university's nursing home visitation service.</p>

<p>Mostly I'm just very anxious and want to know if I am accepted now, and it would helpful to know other perspective transfer's stats and if anyone has opinions on my chances :)</p>

<p>I’m a Sophomore at UW-Milwaukee and I submitted my transfer application to UW-Madison on October 15th. I have more college credit than you do, so less of my high school performance will matter than yours but here’s where I’m at:</p>

<p>In High School I got a 24 on my ACT, had a GPA of 3.6 and took multiple AP courses (less than you, though).</p>

<p>In college, I’ve taken 15 credits each semester on average, a solid course load. I’ve got a 3.7 GPA. </p>

<p>My essays were thorough, and like you, I submitted a letter of recommendation. Mine was from my employer, who has also had a chance to observe me in an academic setting over the past 5 years or so.</p>

<p>I would think we both have pretty good chances. Good luck!</p>

<p>3.275 GPA with huge upward trend (20 credit hrs. 4.0 last semester)
50+ credits
2 EC’s
2 letters of rec
good essay
started an online business</p>

<p>what are my chances?</p>

<p>Okay, ignore my super long first post.
3.934 college GPA, 21 credits (6 from ap) and 17 next semester
3.1 high school GPA (hence why I wasnt accepted…)
25 ACT
Rec letter from my English professor
All submitted, just have to wait for them to receive my transcript now that the semesters over!
Good luck everybody!</p>

<p>Anyone have any idea when we might expect to start hearing back? </p>

<p>They have until the end of April to notify us.</p>

<p>Most everyone I’ve talked to who has transferred said March, but the soonest anyone hears back is Feburary, I think.</p>

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>I applied dec 4th.
Here are my stats:</p>

4.0 gpa first semester
German club
Tutor next semster
Letter of recommendation</p>

<p>High.school uw3.55 gpa
Class secretary 2years
Varsity athlete 3 sport
Nhs member</p>

<p>But I accidentally sent in my act (24), think this will hurt me?</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-R530U using CC</p>

<p>I think you have a great shot despite the ACT. A 4.0 college GPA will tell admissions a lot more about your level of capability than a test you took in 11th or 12th grade, IMO.</p>

<p>Same with you. On there admissions they say they look at trends, so if you continuely improve in high school you have a good chance. And that all leads to your 3.9 which is fantastic. Theyre not admitting the freshman 5 years ago. Hopefully I see you there :)</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-R530U using CC</p>

<p>Thanks :slight_smile: best of luck and hopefully we get some good news soon!</p>

<p>Has anyone’s status changed from reviewing for proper material to reviewing the application yet?</p>

<p>Yes, mine changed!</p>

<p>Yikes. I’m starting to wonder if I should call and ask if something never made it there</p>

<p>I’m so nervous to hear a decision.</p>

<p>High School:
29 ACT (English 31, Science 30, Math 29, Reading 25)
3.32 UW GPA 3.6 W GPA
High School Football Captain
Couple other minor activities</p>

<p>AP Micro Econ
AP Macro Econ
AP Psychology
AP Lang & Comp
AP Chemistry
AP Physics
AP Statistics</p>

<p>4 or 5’s on all except lang & comp - which was a 3</p>

<p>4.0 college GPA currently - after my freshman year i’ll have 60 credits (59 by Madison’s standards)
Member of Phi Beta Lambda</p>


<p>High School:
3.36 UW GPA
Multiple honors and AP’s (Calc, Lang and Comp, Macro Econ)
Multiple clubs and sports (Varsity tennis, DECA treasurer, planet earth club officer)</p>

Private school in MN
3.35 GPA (22 credits, 38 by the end of the year)
D3 tennis. finance, marketing, and accounting club.</p>

<p>I also had an internship over the summer, and was able to go back during winter break.
3 letters of recommendation (1 alumni, 2 professors)
pretty good written statements. </p>



<p>Also a huge upward trend in grades junior and senior year.

<p>I wouldn’t worry too much yet, mine just changed recently. When did you apply again?</p>

<p>It changed today :)</p>

<p>Weighted High School GPA: 3.7
Obama for America Fall Fellow (Community Organizer; youngest in state of Illinois)
Lots of Political involvement
Transfer from University of Iowa. College GPA 3.57 (I am a first year student so that GPA is only of one semester)
6 AP Credits
ACT: 31
Will be transferring as a second year student, probably will have 50+. Political Science major, possible double major in Finance.</p>