Transfer Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

Also was the pool this year competitive, where there a lot of applications?

Same I didn’t get into the business school. Have a 4.0 and all required courses + many EC’s but no recommendation letter.

@llmm12 what were your grades?

Major: Chemistry
GPA: 2.56 (Yeah, I know!)
Year (Going Into Tech): Sophomore
Decision: Accepted
Location: NoVA

Honestly, I thought me getting in was a HUGE crapshoot. Ultimately, I think what won admissions over was that although I had a low GPA, I had a lot previous internship and research experiences my first semester and throughout high school. I’m also coming in from GMU, which they really like for some reason. Also, I checked the admissions stats after the fact and, apparently, only about 25-30 transfer students apply to Chem and about 10-20 of them are accepted. But yeah, I definitely won lottery on this one, as I was literally 0.06 points away from not being able to be considered. Don’t want to rub it in, just wanted to share my story for those who feel like they don’t have a shot with such a low GPA.

I had all A’s and B’s nothing below that. The only place that I suffered a little was math, but my grades for my classes that aimed at my majors were all very high. I think the main reason for not getting in is becuae of math and how I’m taking calculus in the summer rather than completing it this spring.

For future transfer students that applied to Pamplin, here are my stats.

Major: Accounting and Information Systems
GPA: 3.8
Year (Going Into Tech): Sophomore
Decision: Accepted
Location: Hampton Roads

If anyone wants to make some sort of groupchat or Facebook page for fall transfers, that’d be great. If not, I can start one.

Accepted to Pamplin. HS GPA 3.5, first semester college GPA 3.8 on track for same this semester. Going to be a sophomore

@hd1920 ya start one!

For those applying to Pamplin here are my stats-

Decision: Accepted
GPA: 3.95 w/ 59 credit completed I will have 79 by the end of the spring semester
School: NOVA
Extras: President of the business club, VP of PTK honor society, work full-time as a sales manager, received two prestigious national scholarships. Did not complete Calc 2 which I heard was required before transferring

Has anyone received an admissions packet in the mail yet?

@jtransfer22 A few of my friends have gotten them.

What is the admissions packet? do you receive that after you accept your offer of admission? Also does anyone know when the last day to accept your offer is??

June 1st

@novatosoca It’s a mailed acceptance package that’s mailed to your address and everyone who was accepted will receive a package. I called Tech and they said they sent them out on April 10th, so expect a package soon. Also, the last day to accept the offer is June 1st.

The admissions packet really is just that nice keepsake admissions letter that comes after the offer. There is nothing in particular really needed from the admission packet. Of course its also used to promote acceptance of the offer.

As far as post-acceptance, all communication you receive is via your email address.

Everything you really need to know post-offer is here:

And welcome to the Virginia Tech Forum!

Does anyone know how difficult it is for a transfer student to live on campus and not in the transfer llc?

ab201937 Welcome to the Virginia Tech forum,

There is of course is a waiting lists - and from previous years its probably a little less than 50/50 shot of getting on campus. Those getting on the waitlist quickly of course will have better shot than those who wait to accept admission and don’t put themselves on waitlist until later.

Virginia Tech won’t even have an idea until they find out how many freshman accept their offers (few years ago way more accepted than they expected and they had no extra housing - actually not enough housing).

@ab201937 It’s usually pretty difficult since once all freshmen are assigned housing, there aren’t that many spots left. Plus, a lot of upperclassmen usually get some of those spots before the transfer students. If you truly want to live on-campus, your best surefire bet is to join the LLC, since it’s larger this year and will be in two different areas on campus. But you could always wait and find out. Good luck!

So if i’m applying next fall, my best bet to live on campus would to join the transfer LLC?