Transfer Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

That would probably be your best bet - and get on all lists early as soon as accepted (if you choose VT).

I know on their packets they mailed for admission, it listed on the back that if your GPA is significantly lower this semester compared to the previous than they could rescind your offer of admission. I am currently very worried. I was a 4.0 student last semester but with a harder workload now, my GPA is a lot lower and I’m concerned that I might get one or two Cs and that they’ll rescind my offer. How extreme does your case have to be for them to do this? And how often do they rescind offers of admission?

I did some reading and what many say is that your in jeopardy of rescinding if you get a D or F. One or 2 C’s shouldn’t get more than a letter giving you advice for academic support while at Virginia Tech. But that is just people talking on what they have heard in past. I would be concerned as a transfer with 2 C’s. You definitely don’t want 3 C’s. I would work hard to at least get to 1 C - which I would think wouldn’t be a concern at all.

This is just my opinion doing a bit of reading - if you really want to know if your in jeopardy, the only real answer is call the admissions office and find out the expectations specific to you.

Here is one older thread on

@pamandjim I’m in a situation similar to yours, may get a C in Calc 2, and they said, after I called them, that the class just won’t transfer if you get below a C and will not be means for an offer being rescinded. A C is perfectly fine, but more than two is not a good look and neither is an F.

Has anyone received an email to sign up for Transfer orientation and if the answer is yes can you please send the link: I called and they said I should have received one but it’s defi not in my email account

@FutureVT23 Just press sign up for orientation and log in:

Who else is going for July 26th orientation?

And is there a transfer Facebook group? If there isn’t anyone interested in one being made?

Awesome, thanks so much

hd1920 where can you check the admissions statistics!?

Full admissions data by year can be found here

Will it be harder to transfer in as a sophomore in 2020 due to the over acceptance of freshmen this year?

I would personally think so. At least a little but certainly not impossible.