transfer financial aid/suggestions?

<p>Okay so I plan to transfer after this freshman year...and unfortunately financial aid basically plays the deciding role in where I want to go..I have a couple questions..</p>

<p>1) If you are reapplying as a transfer to a school you turned down freshman year, will that in any way affect the aid package they give you (and/or their admissions decision)?</p>

<p>2) Since I'm a minority and independent student, will I have a higher chance of receiving some need based aid as a transfer?</p>

<p>3) Anybody know the average aid packages for transfers for the following schools (or an estimation for what the package could be?)
-Virginia Tech
-U Pitt

<p>4) Can anbody suggest some other schools for me?
I'm undecided for a major right now, but I'm leaning towards something in education or maybe international studies? I don't know...But the schools I'm wanting to transfer to should have..</p>

<p>-A student body size no smaller than 2,500
-Decent Academics (not just one big party school)
-Decent job placement
-Be in a decent sized city (I exclude VTech from that because even though the town is kinda small and rural, I visited there and loved it! Plus the town has a nice feel too it).
-Give out fairly decent aid
-not be in MN (where I am now)</p>

<p>Any answers/advice will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!!!</p>