transfer from SEAS to CAS

<p>Is this difficult to do?
Can I transfer during freshman year if I find out that engineering isn't for me?</p>


<p>I’m wondering this too. Same situation.</p>

<p>also, vice versa lol</p>

<p>if u wanna go from cas to seas?</p>

<p>If you want to transfer into CAS or SEAS from anywhere inside Penn, you need to maintain a 3.0 GPA after the first year. You may transfer after the first year.</p>

<p>[Penn</a> Engineering > Undergraduate Student Handbook > Transferring In](<a href=“Student Handbook”>Student Handbook)
[Internal</a> Transfer: Policies](<a href=“]Internal”></p>

<p>Wharton requires a 3.4 minimum GPA, but you need at least a 3.7 to compete with other transfers for the limited spots that they offer.</p>

<p>Is it guaranteed if you maintain a 3.0?</p>

<p>^Yea, it’s pretty much guaranteed.</p>

<p>What about Wharton? If you maintain above a 3.7 it seems guaranteed to Dual-Degree/Transfer. It owuld be nice Dual-ing with Wharton or CAS…</p>

<p>Dual/ or transfer with Wharton you need more like a 3.9 or 4.0 to make the cut.
To transfer or dual with the college, you need a 3.0.</p>

<p>Penn’s the kind of place where a 3.0 is pretty easy to achieve and a 4.0 is pretty hard.</p>

<p>Unfortunately for a few people, they find out too late that Wharton or Engineering is not for them, and that 3.0 becomes very difficult.</p>

<p>Here are statistics regarding internal transfers to Wharton:</p>

<p>[The</a> Wharton School - Undergraduate Division](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>You’re going to need a 3.7-3.8 to transfer. Unfortunately, this is the ONLY factor they look at when you are applying for a dual degree or a transfer. </p>

<p>So if you’re in four writing seminars, your 4.0 is of little difficulty compared to being in 5.5 credits worth of chem labs, physics labs, and so on.</p>

<p>Note that you have to complete the prereqs for internal transfer, so it narrows down the pool a bit - you couldn’t actually take just 4 writing seminars.</p>

<p>Also note that it’s far easier to get into Penn (and Wharton) in the first place than it is to get a 3.8 at Penn.</p>

<p>The last cutoff to get into Wharton was a 3.81. It has been going up every year. While the trend shows you’d need almost a 3.85 to transfer in this summer, it wouldn’t surprise me if the GPA cutoff went down, just because a 3.8 is really high.</p>

<p>Actually, the last cutoff for internal transfer to Wharton was a 3.79.</p>

<p>And I don’t really know if it’s harder to get into Wharton in the first place or harder to transfer in. You only need three prerequisite courses to transfer in. Econ 001, Econ 002, and Stat 101. Those three are rated extremely easy. So unless you’re planning on challenging yourself like a true Penn student should, it wouldn’t be as hard to get in to Wharton via internal transfer.</p>

<p>50 % of all grades issued in Penn is either an A or an A-. But that’s because of smart students and higher curves.</p>

<p>does AP macro/micro fulfill the econ 001 and econ 002 requirements?</p>

<p>and does AP Stat fulfill Stat 101?</p>

<p>and AP BC CALC for math 104?</p>

<p>lol thanks.</p>

<p>yes to all.</p>