Transfer from USC to Ivies, Barnard, or Stanford

OP has yet to respond to follow-up questions. Affordability is one of the big questions raised about USC, but we still don’t know which options would be affordable. It’s hard to give useful advice without that context, although I still think a gap year makes more sense than overspending on freshman year and banking on a long-shot elite transfer.

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Princeton admissions Insta, Apply Princeton, was the first place I read it. (You can scroll back to mid admissions cycle when they profiled a bunch of CC and military transfers.
Then the same gist was said on a Yale Zoom panel where the question was aimed at trying to get in via transfer if direct apply failed. They too mentioned that transferring slots were geared towards CC applicants and not a student trying to move to a slightly better school. It was the super nice admissions guy that does a lot of the fall multi school Zooms, Mr Dunn or something close. I took notes on each call, fair, panel, mock class of the admissions cycle and found the CC & military info interesting. Read Princeton’s Insta taker-overs if they are saved. Few great profiles on military transfer accepted applicants and at least one community college one.

My comment was specific to Harvard.