transfer help

<p>Hi everyone!
This is my first time writing in this thread and am looking for some advice. I'm currently a sophomore double majoring in political science and sociology (but still undeclared) at a NESCAC school. My GPA after freshman year was a 3.0, but after this semester I am expecting it to go up to a 3.1 or 3.2. I am on the varsity rowing team at school, in addition to being a part of a few other clubs on campus. I graduated from a competitive boarding prep school with decent grades in tough classes. I was extremely involved on campus at my high school, with three varsity sports, student government, and various clubs.
I'm looking to transfer out of my current school either second semester (but I think I've missed the deadlines...) or first semester junior year. Could anyone give me some suggestions on schools to look at? Would rowing help me in any way in admissions, or not so much for transfers?
When I was looking at colleges the first time around, besides my current school my top choices were Northwestern, GW, Georgetown, Fordham. I applied ED to where I am now.</p>

<p>forgot to mention, my ACT score was a 29 when I was applying to schools</p>

<p>NESCAC schools are D3, and I don’t think D3 schools can “recruit”, so it could be an added bonus, but I don’t think crew will get you into a school.</p>

<p>With a 3.0, it’s going to be really difficult to transfer into a school with the same academic caliber as your current school.</p>

<p>Where do you ideally want to go (geographically)?</p>

<p>Also, forget my first comment. I, for some reason, assumed you were trying to go to another D3 school</p>

<p>It really depends what you’re looking for in a school. A lot of schools really value the ‘why’ that specific school from transfer students. What are you studying? What do you want in a new school? These types of questions can help you figure out some ideas of where to go. Your gpa isn’t super high, but it’s good and NESCAC schools are really good, so you’re in a pretty good position.</p>