Transfer impact on Law School

I am thinking of transferring from a prestigious NESCAC school. Probably looking to go to a school like Franklin and Marshall, Dickinson, Haverford or Gettysburg.

I have a 3.75 GPA and a good resume. However, what would the impact be on applying to law school, if I transfer to a school with less prestige when it comes to alumni base/admission standards/etc.? I feel like I would enjoy my experience more at one of the other PA LAC, but do not want to hurt my chances at admission to a top law school. Please let me know your thoughts.

Why do you want to transfer?

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Closer to home and would do better socially.

Your chances of admission to law school will largely be based on your LSAT score and GPA.

Closer to home, I understand. But how do you know you will be happier socially? Just asking…please think about this.


I have friends who already go to those schools. I’ve found it hard to make close friends with the current student body at my school.

I don’t see why it would be an issue.

Many attend two schools - whether transfer or CC to 4-year and go to law school.

Good luck.

I don’t know a lot about law school other than what my daughter’s BF experienced/is experiencing. He is currently in law school.

He transferred out of a prestigious, single digit admit school because he did not like it. He transferred to a good, but lower ranked college.

After college he completed a prestigious gap year program (2 years) and then worked for a well known institution (also “prestigious”).

He did not want big loans, so he is now in a law school that gave him significant merit (still a good school). He’s developing his resume, has summer work, and is currently interviewing for next summer.

Working for a few years first is looked at favorably and is more common now, according to a colleague whose daughter recently graduated from a top law school.

To answer your question, based on my very limited experience, I do not think transferring will impact your chances, but I would do it for the right reasons and make sure you are happy with your decision.

Law school will be based on your gpa, LSAT, and possibly work experience. Others will know more, I am sure.

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Transferring will have low to no impact. Maintain high grades, do well on the LSAT, and create good relationships with profs at your new college in order to obtain glowing letters of rec and you should be fine. Go where you will thrive.


For context, it appears you attend one of the higher-ranked NESCACs, in that one of your potential transfer choices, Haverford, ties with Wesleyan and places above Colby, Bates, Trinity and Connecticut College in U.S. News.