Transfer placement tests for Marketing, Stats, and Finance

<p>Have any transfers taken any of the tests that allow you to get credit for Stats, Marketing or Finance?</p>

<p>I was told that they are very hard and typically have about 30% pass rate. </p>

<p>I absolutely have to pass the statistics test in order to take finance this fall, otherwise I'm going to be very behind. Just wondering if anyone who has taken these tests can give me some tips on what to study, ect.</p>

<p>I dunno how hard the test is but I do know that it's not JUST statistics, it's statistics with regression, which is why most people can't AP their way out of stats like they do with math (although that loophole is gone now...too bad.)</p>

<p>Yeah I have to take the stats course again, i took it at my last college but stern is making me take a prof exam to get credit. i asked nyu for any information on teh exam and they said that they dont tell you anything that you have to get 27/30 questions correct to pass.</p>