Transfer Student In need of a Plan--Chance Me USC, UCLA, CAL, ?

<p>I'm a fifth semester California Community College student trying to make sure I don't miss the boat on applying to schools. I never applied to any schools out of High Schools (no money), so I am completely unfamiliar with the process. I know that NOW is the general time to begin working on applications, though, so I'd really appreciate some help. </p>

1. Help me figure out which schools I should or should not apply to.
2. Give me advice on how I should represent the fact that I will have 60 UC transferable credits completed by the end of THIS COMING FALL semester.
3. Help me figure out when I need to start working on said applications (and how)
4. Tell me - Does major matter at this point - as in will it affect whether or not I get into different schools? Is it wisest to transfer "undeclared?"</p>


UC Davis</p>


College, 48 Fully UC Transferable Credits --- 3.93 GPA (IGETC is complete)</p>

<p>College, 70 Cumulative College credits --- 3.61 GPA</p>

Treasurer for Gamma Bete Phi (College Honor Society, minimum GPA req)</p>

<p>Photographer for School Newspaper -- Won Several Awards at the Journalism Association of Community College's annual Conference (including a first place in Feature Photography)</p>

<p>Varsity Track in High School</p>

<p>Completed Several "Service Learning" projects (which are managed by the Gamma Beta Phi Society, and count as Community Service)</p>

I earned an Emergency Medical Technician License my freshman year of College, along with my CPR cert. </p>

<p>Worked a year for a local ambulance company (laid off about a month ago), where I cared for and transported my patients all over Los Angeles County. </p>

<p>With the earnings, I am putting myself through Phlebotomy School (Phlebotomy techs take blood in hospitals).</p>

Won First Place at the Journalism Association of Community College's conference in the Feature Photo competition. </p>

<p>Won honorable mentions in the sports photo competition, and the news photo competitions. </p>

<p>I have been on the "President's List" every semester I've been in college (3.5+ GPA).</p>

I have several teachers who would be willing to give me a recommendation. In fact, last year, when I was applying to West Point, two of my teachers who had known me for years wrote me excellent recommendations. I received my congressional nomination to go to West Point, but I failed the physical test, and did not go. </p>


<p>I am probably going to go to a California University, as I live here, but I would love to go to an out of state Uni instead (or even out of country). That is why I included Cambridge. I'll need some advice on that move. </p>

<p>Thanks :D</p>

<p>solidblu your GPA is quite high. Are you interested in Journalism or something along those lines as a potential major? If you can be a bit more specific on what your educational goals are/potential major I could give you some more advice.</p>

<p>Thank you for your response, homfly, and I apologize for being so vague. I would actually like to major in Anthropology, a very useful major for a photographer such as myself. </p>

<p>As far as my end-goals, I would like to be involved in the Medical field, possibly as a doctor (Biology is not the only major that is accepted at medical schools). I love the field of Anthropology, and was very excited to hear that it is quite common for Anthropology majors to be accepted into medical school.</p>

<p>solidblu there exist a plethora of potential universities you could go to for Anthropology, instead of overwhelm you with a large list, I’ll suggest an individual school for you: [Welcome</a> to the Department of Anthropology at UNC Chapel Hill — Department of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill](<a href=“]Welcome”></p>

<p>But remember keep your options open and research the various schools of interest to find a best “fit”.</p>

<p>Chapel Hill looks like a great school for anthropology, thanks hom! I never woudl’ve known. Any other suggestions?</p>

<p>Do I understand correctly that the overall GPA is 3.61? Also, for chances at Dartmouth you’ll need SAT scores.</p>

<p>Yes, mom, the Overall GPA (which is known by my college as the ‘cumulative’ GPA is 3.61. This includes some classes I took while still in high school, as well as various classes I took for fun (like guitar, etc). The cumulative GPA includes all my General Education classes as well as those fun and high school level classes. </p>

<p>Since the moment I entered my community college as an actual COLLEGE student, I earned a GPA of 3.93, which (from what my counselor and everyone else has told me) is the only one UC’s look at. </p>

<p>I have taken the SAT and I scored a 2100. I did not put them in the post because it was my belief that colleges do not like to look at transfer student’s SAT scores.</p>


<p>Hey guys, I really need some help. This is my only chance to transfer into a Four year institution. I don’t know what I’m doing here…I can’t miss the boat here, I need to know what I’m supposed to do to apply.</p>

<p>Contact the help center/ transfer office of the institution you plan on attending this coming Fall or Spring. If anything, visit your academic advisor for advice, I’m sure they’ve hear it all before.
With your credentials, you shouldn’t have a problem getting accepted into most four year universities in the US.</p>

<p>Thanks neogio…</p>

<p>What’s up here?? Is there something wrong with my thread? Not enough detail? Then ask me for more detail. Is no one willing to help me out here? I need to start applying to colleges!</p>

<p>try Wesleyan</p>

<p>Hey everyone, my name is Greg, Im a double major in finance and economics </p>

<p>I am trying to transfer to several business schools-(stern,UVA,cornell,U of Indiana,UPenn, etc.) for Fall 2010 as a junior. I currently go to Minnesota state university. My high school record was horrible- 2.6gpa. In college I have a 3.67 that I will maintain this upcoming year. I am involved with the Finance and Economics clubs and have several positions within a social fraternity. I will also be studying abroad in France for a semester, during which, i will either intern or volunteer. I will be in all upper level classes (compared to others i would say that i have a really large course load, with more difficult classes). I have taken all the basic courses like micro and macro, calc 1, all the gen eds, financial and managerial acct also. And i will also have taken 3 more math classes by the time I apply. What type of chance will I have, and what things could i do to stand out more?</p>

<p>Thank you,