Transfer Student Who Got Accepted as Freshman but Declined

<p>Hey guys, long-time viewer, first time poster. I am currently a second-semester Biomedical Engineering Sophomore at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. Although the school's academics are top-notch & well-known, I wish to transfer out to University of Miami for Fall 2010. </p>

<p>The quirk about the situation is that when applying for schools as a high school senior, I was waitlisted, then admitted to the Spring freshman term but declined & chose Stevens. Although Stevens is a highly-touted engineering school, what are the chances that UM will accept me (again)? My GPA through 3 semesters (not including the current Spring semester) is 3.028. Now this seems on the low side, however, I'm curious if UM Admission will consider the difficulty of Stevens & my major's courseload here. </p>

<p>Also, if it helps, my best SAT was 600 Reading, 660 Math, 670 Writing with 2 AP Courses taken (Biology - 4, Literature - 4).</p>

<p>Any additional information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, guys!</p>

<p>Also, forgot to mention, I had an unweighted 3.6 GPA in high school.</p>

<p>I think you have a decent shot. Give it a try! You’ll love UM!! </p>

<p>My daughter is there and we are from NJ. She is so happy with the University.</p>

<p>Ah, thanks a lot! What does your daughter major in, if you don’t mind me asking? Also, did she transfer there?</p>

<p>She is triple majoring in Marine Science/Biology/Chemistry. She was an incoming freshmen this year.</p>

<p>Why are you transfering, may I ask? Your reasons might give me abetter idea if you will be happy at UM.</p>

<p>Wow! Congrats to you & her both! As for me, I am transferring due to the lack of open-mindedness amongst most of the students & professors here. Everything is one-dimensional in terms of learning. No thinking outside the box. Also, the social life here is atrocious. Everyone goes home every weekend since approx. 80% of the undergrads are from jersey. As for UM, I’m pretty sure i’ll be quite happy there haha, I visited the campus over the summer for a few nights & stayed with a friend that goes to school there for Audio Engineering. Needless to say, it was the highlight of my summer.</p>

<p>Anyone else with any insight on this?</p>

<p>Well, if anyone is reading this, I sent in all of my application material today… hoping for the best!</p>

<p>good luck I think you have a very good shot</p>

<p>Thanks a lot! I just hope that, firstly, I get accepted & secondly, they gave me the same amount of money/scholarships that Stevens is right now.</p>