Transfer students accepted

<p>I am deffinitly getting m/p or eaten because those were the only options when they had you rank the schools in order of preference. They just never asked if I wanted a single which is odd…maybe its because there are no singles left? idk</p>

<p>I agree with you sabrina… It would be cool if us from college confidential could meet @ orientation…</p>

<p>PM me for the “University of Miami 2011 Transfer” Facebook Group! just made it so JOIN :):)</p>

<p>Woo! Thanks Sabrina! I would definitely love to meet you guys at Orientation if I make it!</p>

<p>You’ll make it! have faith that one day you’ll be a 'cane! We’ll have to meet up at orientation! For everyone that’s been accepted, make sure you register for orientation!</p>

<p>I finally got accepted YESSSSSSSS!!! God is so good! HURRICANESSSSSSSS</p>

<p>Wadefan: CONGRAT !!! what is your GPA and college that you apply to?I called them today and they said i will receive the decision by Monday. I’m so stress out now…</p>

<p>My GPA for the last two semesters was a 4.0. My cumulative is a 3.92. I was emailing this lady yesterday and she said that she would notify the committee that my application is ready for reviewing and that the decision should be made shortly, I didn’t think shortly would have been today. Of course am talkin about UM.</p>

<p>ETA: THANK YOU!!!</p>

<p>Yeah me too. and the decision is made. How do you find out about it? Through MyUm?</p>

<p>Nope, I still see NOTHING on myum. They emailed me.</p>

<p>Damn it I almost cry everyone. Actually I did. I GOT IN!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!! SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Entrepreneurship… no way!! </p>

<p>Thanks Cristina, Wadefan, Bombazo and Sabrina for always cheering me up!! I’m looking forward to see you guys!</p>

<p>Congratsssssssssssssss!! I guess today is acceptance day.</p>

<p>[Login</a> | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook Public Group | Facebook”>Facebook Public Group | Facebook)
facebook group for transfers</p>

<p>Yay that’s awesome wadefan and halidir!!!
We should definitely meet at orientation =D</p>

<p>I just sent a request for the transers fbook page. So who’s who? Lol!!!</p>

<p>Hey Cristina, I’m Duc. Add me ! :D</p>

<p>Hey everyone! Seems like this thread is slowly dying down  </p>

<p>Just to see where everyone is at right now, who has already picked their classes? I know Cristina has, anyone else? I’m going in a week to see the transfer advisor for the first time and to pick my classes. I’m pre-med looking to go into chem with psychology or psychobiology. I’m wondering if any of the other transfer are in similar majors and have already gone in to pick classes.</p>

<p>Sabrina’s right this thread is dying…
come on…bump

<p>@ Sabrina: I’m in business but I probably wont pick my classes until after I receive my I 20.
Do you guys know which place is safe to rent room in Miami? I’m looking for a 2 bedroom. Thanks!!!</p>

<p>There’s lots of places you can rent around campus. There’s lots of houses with two or three bedrooms which would mean you could get roommates. There’s also the red road commons which are in walking distance or an even shorter bike ride. Check craigslist</p>