Transfer students accepted

<p>Hey guys I wanted to make this thread only for transfer students. I've been reading and most of the people that got their decisions already are freshmen, so I wanted to create this just for us.
What's your major?! and are you waiting on other acceptance letters??</p>

<p>International transfer
Economics Major.
I have 3.6 GPA</p>

<p>i have friends in the city and love it. Miami is one of my top choices¡</p>

<p>Also applied and waiting decisions from:</p>

<p>UTexas at Austin
George Washington University
Northeastern University (boston)
Syracuse University
University of Georgia</p>

<p>When do you guys think decisions will come out???¡¡¡
It has been a ****ing long and anxious wait.</p>

<p>Oh that’s nice…where are you from?!</p>

<p>Decisions are already out…just wait patiently…!</p>

<p>I was born in Mexico but most of my family is from Spain, ssooo i am half and half.</p>

<p>How do you know decisions are out?¡¡ </p>

<p>and i can wait patiently no more. i did to much of that already¡¡¡</p>

<p>Cool my grandfather was from Sevilla.
They’re out because a lot of people know their decisions already, including me…yours must be on the way.</p>

<p>Looks like there are no accepted transfer students, since it’s only the two of us commenting on this thread!</p>

<p>Transfer after freshman year,
I have NO clue what my gpa is honestly…
Penn state -> community college (currently)</p>

Accepted! :)</p>

<p>Waiting on a lot of others actually:
George Washington, Texas Christian, etc</p>

<p>the problem is that my app isn´t being reviewed. i can see my documents marked as recieved but no message like " your app is under review bla bla". </p>

<p>did you guys had the “app under review” message in MYUM?? or just your documents marked as recieved?</p>

<p>you think i should call the admission´s office and see whats going on, or just wait a bit longer??</p>

<p>To tell you the truth I didn’t even know I had to check MYUM to see how my app was being handled. I believe it was monday that I received my acceptance package. Then I went to this site and everyone was saying that they saw their acceptance letter on MYUM so I went on and created a MYUM and there it was…
I think you should wait till firday, if no news yet then you should definitely call… be persistent that is something they like.!</p>

<p>hey everybody!
i was accepted back in the beginning of march.
i am actually going to be a junior.
my major is public relations and i am from new jersey! </p>

<p>currently i am waiting to hear back from nyu until i make my final decision. i went to drew university my freshman year, and currently attend monmouth university both are in new jersey as well! </p>

<p>is there any type of facebook group for us transfers?</p>

<p>Hey allsummerlong…I bet you want to move here because of the weather hehe!
I don’t know any FB pages…good idea!</p>

<p>Accepted as a transfer from Temple University.
Going to be a Junior, majoring in Sports Administration.</p>

<p>hey! I sent my application March 1st, so its understandable that I dont have my decision yet. After looking on here though, it seems like most of the transfers have GREAT gpas and that makes me nervous. </p>

<p>But the big problem is that my portal says I have missing documents that I know have been sent in. Hopefully my application gets reviewed soon! But they said on that decision will for sure be sent out by April 15th so thats good</p>

<p>i called yesterday and they told me that my app is still pending, but that i will hear from them in about 2 weeks. hopefully i will be accepted.</p>

<p>I actually got in with a 3.3…i don’t know how that happened but i got in lol.
Good luck for those of you waiting on your answer.
Are you planing to go to UM or waiting for other colleges?</p>

<p>they finally have al of my documents, and now it says my application is under review. but were waiting to visit until we know if I got in, because it would be silly for us to take a flight from NJ and waste the money if I dont get in. They will be out for sure by April 15th tho, so at least we know that! Im just anxious to find out!</p>

<p>whattttt¡¡??, my docs have been there over a month and my app hasnt been reviewed.</p>

<p>good for you ciarq10, dont know whats going on with mine, post ur decison when u get it.</p>

<p>cheers and good luck.</p>

<p>Hi I am a transfer student With a AIS and a focus in History & Poli Sci. I have had some great experiences traveling the world over the last 2 years and it has inspired me to use my college experience to find a different culture. I started applying to colleges by picking out coastal states/cities with one exception U. Colorado Boulder. probably include Texas A&M too. The others follow as University of Hawaii (Accepted! thinking of meeting some smart Hawaiian ladies) U of Maryland, U of Florida, Miami U, St. Johns, and Washington, thats all i can remember. Anyway I’ve been excepted into three (3 of 3) other two being Miami and St. Johns. Besides those I’m waiting for U-Dub response before its final but I’m Defiantly leaning for Miami. So because of that i have been reading and comparing the two schools of the U and UFlorida and essentially have reaffirmed my feeling of being hurricane over a gator. It seams they are almost equally academically with the favored depending on who you ask, secondly small college of 10,000 undergrad is relatively big, its just U of F is top 3 or something in school size, so I feel like you get both world at the U plus its close to the city which an Urban University was highly important hence my top three. Here the thing Florida is a great school as has a Great Greek system and many other qualities giving you that awesome traditional school experience But I’m 23 and have past those 3 years of underage after High school where drinking/parting under age style is more prevalent, don’t get me wrong a I drink a lot by myself too but a I’m looking for that opportunity to drink in Miami and enjoy some of the Latin culture. The other city that would be nice is Seattle & UW academically ranks very well.</p>

<p>so i went on my portal today, and i got accepted! I wasn’t expecting this, and it came much earlier than I had thought so i was really excited today! good luck to everyone else whose still waiting!!!</p>

<p>if your waiting, check your portal because you will be accepted there first, and it says that my acceptance package is in the mail. again, good luck!</p>

<p>Congrats ciarq10</p>

<p>Anyone hear about scholarships or financial aid yet?</p>