Transfer students accepted

<p>has any pre nursing student that is transferring into UM’s BSN program have received their decision?</p>


<p>so this thread is still pretty dead…</p>

<p>Lmao!! Yeah because we already know who got in and that stuff.
But guys we should plan a meeting for orientation</p>

<p>yeah let’s plan to meet up at orientation! at least we won’t be alone on the transfer student orientaion day!</p>

<p>Lol yeah like the open house, It was only my mom and I.
So how should we do this?..</p>

<p>Haha, open house I was all alone! I made friends with a girl from Tampa but she was a freshman and undecided. </p>

<p>We should probably all exchange numbers closer to the date once we know the schedule for the day and text each other to find a meeting spot.</p>

<p>i got accepted as a transfer, im not sure if I want to leave my current school anymore though, haha</p>

<p>Hey people… I’m a transfer too… sort of.</p>

<p>I actually got accepted as a readmit for this Fall; I attended UM for awhile a couple of years ago, but decided that it made more financial sense for me to go to a CC first.</p>

<p>That said, I did attend UM so if anyone has any questions or needs help with anything, feel free to ask here or PM.</p>

<p>You were alone sabrina? omg haha! It felt so weird being there and seeing everyone with their families. My mom made friends with other parents, she’s more socially active than I am hehe!!</p>

<p>Yeah that sounds good. Anyone else in Miami going to orientation…?</p>

<p>Haha, yes I was alone listening to some bratty girl talk back to her dad the entire time. I moved away and met a few people and their parents. My mom doesn’t do orientations, what can I tell you? </p>

<p>Does anyone know what these three days of orientation consist of?</p>

<p>I registered for my classes today, finally! I’m already thinking of changing a class but for the most part everything looks pretty good. I’m about to research the professors now on does anyone know of any other site to look up professors at UM?</p>

I want to know too. I’m really looking forward to go and meet all transfer students!</p>

<p>Cool. I checked that website too, but men tuesdays and thursdays are going to be tough days. I’ll be in school till like 5pm =/</p>

<p>Well the first day of orientation is kind of necessary, because you get your Student ID, which you need for basically everything on campus (entrance to residential colleges, meal plans, student health center, football tickets, etc). When i went, it came in a little gift bag with a few other trinkets… but there was a pretty long line (20-30 minutes), so I’d get there a little early.</p>

<p>From there, you break up into groups and do a tour/scavenger hunt and a bunch of presentations. To name a few speakers, Donna Shalala, Randy Shannon (you guys will probably see Al Golden instead), the UMPD and the cheer squad.</p>

<p>After that, I wouldn’t know lol. I got bored and finished moving into my dorm instead. They say the things are mandatory, but I never got in trouble or even notified. It’s not like they take attendance or anything. Just make sure you go to the check-in to get your ID. That’s one thing you’re going to need to do.</p>

<p>For our student ID picture, can we take it in orientation? or do I have to upload the pic through myum?</p>

<p>You can do either, but if you upload it, just make sure you have a white background.</p>

<p>…oh and remember, this picture will be yours for your entire time at UM; there’s no changing it.</p>

<p>Also, if you don’t upload it, it won’t be available for pickup. You’d then need to go to the Ashe Building to get your photo taken (I think it’s Ashe…)</p>

<p>Oooh okay…thanks!
It’s just that I don’t have any pics to upload, I’ll have to go to the ashe bldg to take it</p>

<p>I actually just took a picture against one of the only white walls in my house and submitted it. when I went to see the transfer adviser last week she told me I can just stop by any time with my class schedule and get an ID card. I can wait until orientation though.</p>

<p>I’ll see if i take one or wait…</p>

<p>Computer Engineering Major. one question, when is the orientation for transfer students? transfer students that start this fall that is.</p>