Transfer students accepted

<p>A week before school. I believe it starts from the 17th–19th</p>

<p>wow thats the day after my bday >.< oh well lol thank you</p>

<p>Lol you’re welcome!!
My bday is tomorrow ya’ll…lol =P</p>

<p>question: do we have to wait till orientation to pick classes?</p>

<p>No, you can go ahead and make an appointment before orientation and pick your classes. You can pick them over the phone or in person once you make the appointment.</p>

<p>oh wow thank you so much!</p>

<p>sabrina or whoever is going to go in the fall. I imagine you guys received a letter from the health department @ the U. Did you fill it out? the records of your vaccines? And I also noticed that I think you have to pay for a health insurance or something like that? Does anyone know if we have to or how can I get a cheaper one…?</p>

<p>I did get that same package in the mail. From what I understand you need to fill it out and your doctor needs to fill out another portion of it. Also, I think if you’re covered under your parents insurance you don’t need to pay for this insurance. However, I think those are the standard rates for undergrad students and I don’t think you can negotiate to make them cheaper.</p>

<p>what if i have no insurance at all? isn’t this part of our tuition?</p>

<p>I think if you don’t show proof of having insurance you become required to take the university insurance. I thought it was covered with tuition too but I think it’s an additional fee. I haven’t gone ahead and called to ask but I did read the letter they sent last week.</p>

<p>have you filled it out already?</p>

<p>Not yet, I haven’t had a chance to call about that.</p>

<p>ugh me neither. I’ve been working but I need to catch up on this because this is serious. I need to find a doctor to fill out a portion of the form…</p>

<p>Go to your main physician I guess. That’s what I’m planning on doing sometime soon. I’m pretty behind with everything including all the promissory notes and loans.</p>

<p>Well that’s the thing. I don’t have a physician. I don’t have insurance… i don’t know what I’m going to do.
On the federal loans part I’m done, I just need to request a loan at the bank, because the deadline to pay is July 29th I believe…?</p>

<p>I don’t know what to tell you Christina. You’ll need to return that form in ASAP though.</p>

<p>Can’t wait for orientation…</p>

<p>Cristina, call the 800# on the form that you got and explain the situation and ask their advice. Either you have not had immunizations or have no record of having had them. Either way UM will help you figure out what to do. I respect everyone’s advice on these boards, but for this you should go to the gold source and call UM Health Dept.</p>

<p>Regarding the insurance - if you are not covered under another plan, I believe you are required to carry the ~$2000 UM plan. It may not be covered under the Singer umbrella, but probably is under Stamps (can’t remember which you got?). You may be able to find a cheaper plan to cover yourself - look up insurance agents in the yellow book and call one that sells health insurance - estimates are free. Or, you can try - I never have used them, but worth a shot.</p>

<p>Good luck and don’t wait until orientation to do this - get on it Monday.

<p>Thank you for your advice zinc.
I eventually had to get UM’s insurance since it was too late to find an insurance agent and waive it. The good thing is that I didn’t have to pay anything because I got this grant from the U and it covered almost everything.
I’ll find a health insurance for next year because $2000 is too much…</p>

<p>I bet you guys received an email about a picnic on the 21st.
who’s planing on going?</p>