Transfer students accepted

<p>I’ll probably go and take advantage of all of the orientation events next week and the week afterwards.</p>

<p>I’ll probably go to the picnic too, as well as the orientation events…
I’m exited to start school already lol</p>

<p>Hey guys I have a question. </p>

<p>You all are transfers, may I ask in what school year you all are?
I am going to my third year meaning I’m a junior but somehow on my um it says I’m a sophomore; I’ll have to fix that with the school…
what about you?</p>

<p>I didn’t even see that listed anywhere on myum. I would assume you’re a junior just like me since we’re starting out third year but maybe they’re listing it differently because the school year hasn’t started…? I have no idea to tell you the truth.</p>

<p>So I see we’re the only two that ever respond on this thread anymore. We’re definitely going to have to meet up at orientation next wednesday!</p>

<p>Maybe it’s because of that. I hope so, they better fix that!</p>

<p>LoL I know!! everyone else just bailed. Totally agree with you; we need to enchange info pretty soon…</p>

<p>I sent you a message! Check it!</p>

<p>at what time does orientation start this wednesday? and where do we have to be?</p>

<p>What if you do your decided major at Community College for 2 years? Would you have to stick around for another 4 years if you transfer? Or only 2?</p>

<p>I dont think you need to stick with it at all. Im sure you can just go and see an adviser in the specific college you would like to change to, and they will change you your major.</p>

<p>Download the orientation schedule from myum. I think it starts in the early afternoon on Wednesday and there’s a lot of different events for the rest of the week and the following week.</p>

<p>Got your message!!</p>

<p>Did anyone go to orientation today??!!</p>

<p>Accepted as a Spring transfer into Microbiology and Immunology!! As a lifelong Cane fan, this is a dream come true!! C’mon financial aid, lol!!</p>

<p>Hello everyone, </p>

<p>I just applied to the University of Miami for the 2012 spring semester. I currently attend community college in upstate New York, and will have 45 credits complete by the end of this semester. What I would like to know is how competitive admissions are for transfer students, what the student housing is like, and just some info about what the students are like and how they feel about the school and living on campus. Here are some of my stats.</p>

<p>1st semester at SUNY Morrisville.</p>

<p>3.6 GPA. 15 credits. Liberal arts major.</p>

<p>Sociology - A</p>

<p>European history - B</p>

<p>Politics and government - A</p>

<p>English - A</p>

<p>Intro to Algebra- B</p>

<p>Broome Community College. 19 total credits.</p>

<p>3.8 GPA</p>

<p>Psychology - A</p>

<p>American history - A</p>

<p>English- B</p>

<p>Criminal justice administration - A</p>

<p>Criminal investigations - A</p>

<p>Effective speaking- A</p>

<p>I also completed 20+ hours of service learning. I made the deans list at SUNY Morrisville and the presidents list at BCC. I was invited to join the PHI THATTA KAPPA honor society. For extra curricular I do MMA, and I belong to a few small clubs around here locally. I work a lot so my time is limited. I work anywhere between 20-40 hours a week. So how do my chances look? I plan on taking either philosophy or International studies. Feedback will be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>I think you’re in. UM is a great school and I’m having a blast here!
I don’t know about housing because I don’t live on campus, but I heard it’s pretty good.
Hope you get in…!!</p>

<p>Thank you Cristina. I really hope I get in. I applied last weekend so hopefully I’ll hear something back soon. The day I get my acceptance letter I’m going to buy a ton of sunscreen and start planning to move. Thanks!</p>

<p>You’re welcome!!!
Lol let me know if you get accepted…!!! =D</p>

<p>Got in. Very excited to start planning this out. I’m planning on taking a road trip down to Miami sometime during the middle of next week till the following Monday. I also plan on figuring out my living arrangements. I’m looking to stay in an on campus apartment with a roommate or two. Anyone have some info on what the apartments are like? Also, I recently become a member of PHI THATTA KAPPA honor society. Does anyone else belong to a chapter down in Miami who has received scholarship money? Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>Congratulations mbanks! See you there!! I know they are having an open house on Oct. 30th in case you want to plan your trip around that weekend. You can take the tour and everything.</p>

<p>Thanks Curt, and I do plan on attending the open house on the 30th. It’ll be about a 21 hour drive so I’ll have to leave sometime during the middle of next week if I plan on making it there.</p>