Transfer students accepted

<p>I think you’re writing is good.</p>

<p>Спасибо! (thanks)! but i don’t think so))</p>

<p>Hi guys I am new to the forums!! :)</p>

<p>I am an international(I’m from the Bahamas) transfer student, I go to a community college in MS.
My major is accounting, minor in Spanish. I’m still waiting on a reply as well.
My current GPA is a 4.0 but I have a cumulative of 3.90.</p>

<p>cool wadefan, i guess most int transfers will be notified next week. good luck</p>

<p>sophomore transfer from the university of san francisco. do soph transfers get on campus housing?</p>

<p>Lol you’re welcome!!!</p>

<p>Good luck on your application wadefan…congrats allied…I don’t know about that! I think you should call the U and ask them…</p>

<p>Thanks all!! Good luck to those who haven’t got accepted yet as well!!</p>

<p>i sent an email to de admissions office a zillion years ago and just got a reply.</p>

<p>it stated that transfer students will be hearing from the office AFTER april 15th.</p>

<p>i dont know what to think now, i thought that the 15th was the deadline.</p>

<p>Is May 1st the deadline for submitting the enrollment deposit??</p>


<p>Do you mean international transfer? cause im a transfer and i got accepted Feb 25th</p>

<p>wrJm497@ the mail said transfers. i know most transfers allready got their decisions so i dont really know whats going on, maybe its for intl. transfers but i know that some are allready accepted as well.</p>

<p>I´ll wait a day or two and then call the office.</p>

<p>ohh my god! thanks for information…</p>

<p>Alexey have u called the office??</p>

<p>no. but im going to do it.</p>

<p>Yeah guys if you haven’t received any info, you should call.</p>

<p>ill call them tomorrow</p>

<p>I got accepted about 3 weeks ago to UM as a transfer for fall 2011. I was so anxious to hear back! The scholarship awards should be in your acceptance package. I didn’t get any and I’m still waiting for my financial aid package. Supposedly (and according to the people I spoke to this past Sunday at the accepted students orientation) the financial aid packages were going to be sent out this coming Friday but thats only for transfers. Incoming freshman should have already received theirs.</p>

<p>I’m still waiting to hear back from UF to make a final decision. UM is so expensive!</p>

<p>May 1st is the deadline for the enrollment deposit of $250 or $350 (I forget). They have to notify you before then. I would call next week and stress the fact that you have other schools you’ve been accepted to and you need to make a final decision. </p>

<p>I’m not sure if the enrollment deposits for UF are the same date (may 1st) but when I call later this week I’m going to stress that they NEED to inform me before may 1st, if not I can’t say if I’m going to UM or not.</p>

<p>woww, wait a sec. the deposit of May 1st is for 350 bucks??? is it just to clarify that you are attending???</p>

<p>i thought i had to deposit the full tuition fee in May 1st???¡¡¡</p>

<p>Hey Bombazo,</p>

<p>I have been reading your post since 2 months ago. I’m also an international transfer and still waiting for decision. So dont worry man! We are in the same boat. I’ll call them tomorrow too!</p>

<p>Sabrina how are you going to pay um!!! just asking…</p>

<p>bombazo is $300 and I think the deadline is may 1st…not sure either</p>