Transfer students accepted

Hope you get in =)</p>

<p>Thanks Crisitna!!! I will keep you guys update!</p>

<p>cool halidir, i hope i get one of those soon.</p>

<p>hey halidir, whats ur major?? and is ur MYUM page still showing the recieved docs???</p>

<p>Hey Bombazo, I’m business. Yeah my MYUM is still showing the received docs. Well I guess the result is gonna come tomorrow… Cross my finger!!!</p>

<p>Uffff, my docs show to. I called today again and was told that if the docs showed, it meant that my app was with the admissions counselors. Hope the decisi</p>

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I would like to transfer to the U of M for spring of 2012. I am currently a sophomore at the U of Colorado at Boulder, a business finance major. I do not have a good GPA, I will be applying a 2.9 or so. I know the univeristy requires a 3.0 minimum to be accepted, but I was wondering if anyone has got accepted with a lower GPA than the minimum or if it is a sure rejection to apply with that kind of GPA. I am working hard to try and raise my GPA to a 3.0 but it seems for that this late into my college years good grades don’t raise my GPA as much as I would like for them too. If anyone has any advise that would be great!</p>


<p>you don’t lose anything by trying. I would give it a shot. it’s spring semester and I’ve been told that not as many students apply for that semester so your chances might be higher. try to get a really good recommendation letter (UM uses the common app) and get your gpa up to at least over 3.0. have confidence in yourself!</p>

<p>Savir I agree with Sabrina try to get your gpa to 3.0 and get a really GOOD recommendation letter… the minimum does say 3.0. I though I wasn’t going to get in but I got in with a 3.3 I don’t know how that happened lol…
Don’t give up if you really want to come to UM!</p>

<p>Sabrina , Cristina

  • Thank you, I am trying hard to get my GPA above a 3.0 and I am taking classes that they also require this summer such as a “B” or better in calculus since I took business calc and they do not count that to fill the requirement. I believe I can have over a 3.0 after fall of 2011 but I will be applying mid fall so I know they probably don’t take those into consideration. Do any of you know what other things they take into consideration? Such as level of classes you took, what pace , or maybe improvement over the years, and who may it be best from to recieve the letter of recommendation from? I am sorry about the million questions, I just don’t really have any idea of what it takes to transfer. </p>

<p>cristina- also im glad you got in! I hope I can get in too! lol</p>

<p>I got in with a regular letter from a professor. the common app has another letter of recommendation done by an advisor so I got my school dean to fill it out. my gpa is around a 3.6, but don’t panic, not everyones gpa needs to be perfect. I would imagine they want diversity in their admits meaning not everyone can have a 4.0 gpa. they need difference ranges of gpas.</p>

<p>they require you to send in your transcripts after the last semester you complete so they’ll see your improved gpa but after they accept you. so really the only time you have left is summer a, b and c. also, write a strong essay. that’s the only other part they use in the decision.</p>

<p>i havent recieved any news from UM, this is weird.</p>

<p>May 1 is almost here, what tha hell is going on…¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡</p>

<p>@ Savir24: Try to get your GPA above 3.0. You can do it!! Take some summer classes to raise it. Sabrina and Cristina already told you everything I wanted to say so I say give it a shot.
@ Bombazo: I called them today… They said they are still reviewing application, we will know within 2 weeks. Well, I think I’ll give it a break and call again next week.</p>

<p>two weeks?? ***.</p>

<p>i think they are waiting for other transfers to reject enrollment and then accept us to fill up.
sounds logical, i guess the May 1st deposit wont apply to us.</p>

<p>the only good thing about this is that we are still being considered.</p>

<p>Yeah, we are kind of waitlist… However, there is another thing. I know some international transfers sill havent received decision.</p>

<p>You don’t need an essay as a transfer student. I did it because I didn’t know but I don’t think mine was that strong, I did it in like 5 minutes lol. </p>

<p>Just be positive halidir :slight_smile: and bombazo if I were you I’d be calling UM everyday to see what’s going on, remember that being persistent is a good thing because they’d know you’re really interesting in going to that school.</p>

<p>i just called :slight_smile: again, a guy told me that my app is being reviewed and that in the next week or two i will recieve my decision. </p>

<p>i´ll give it a break to. Just have to wait a bit longer .</p>

<p>i´ll kill myself if i waited this long for a rejection.</p>

<p>LOL Cristina, I spent 2 months doing the essay… And I sent so many extra things too: Midterm grade, extra recs… What’s your major Cristina ? I know Bombazo is biz, same as mine.</p>

<p>yep, im biz economics, and i also took about a month to write the essay, then i found it wasnt required, i sent it anyway. hey halidir r u applying to any other univ??</p>

<p>Yeah I applied to 5 schools -> NEU, BU, BC, UM, USC. How about you?</p>