Transfer students accepted

<p>no news… UM is really slow this year.</p>

<p>Thank you, but I dont know if I will be transferring yet. I have to submit papers to see my FA package, and if it’s not good, Im not going. Ill stay at UF. And the FA office said it will take 1 week to process or something, which is REALLY bad for me cause I have to take summer classes either way at UF, I just need to know which ones >< UGH. </3</p>

<p>BTW does anyone know if UM is nice to transfer students? Im really worried about that cause I know UF treats them like ****.</p>

<p>Marionette, I think UM tends to be great for transfer students. I had 9 credits that I needed to transfer from another University for classes I took in high school, and they didn’t give me any trouble. Plus the transfer advisor is REALLY NICE. Bring her flowers :)</p>

<p>Thanks. Are they nice if you want to change major too? I might do pre-med/dental if my main thing of architecture doesnt work out and in UF they dont let you do that. Im scared UM might say the same (tho im kinda coming in as a “freshy”)</p>

<p>I’ve changed my major more than once every semester for the past four semesters. It’s really quite simple: you just fill out a form which says what your old major is and what you want your new major(s) to be.</p>

<p>I think it is difficult to change your major to architecture, but it shouldn’t be hard to change out of architecture.</p>

<p>Also, keep in mind that we don’t have a major in pre-medicine or pre-dental; rather, you pick that as a track, and then pick another major, such as biology.</p>

<p>UM is really great with transfers. Everyone was extremely helpful at the new student orientation. FA isn’t too helpful but I forgive them since I got a good FA package. </p>

<p>UF treated me pretty badly during the time I was applying as a transfer. The people that work there need to work on their communication skills and stop being so rude about everything.</p>

<p>UM treated me very good too. They’re very friendly.
Sabrina did you decided what are you going to do?</p>

<p>Yes Christina I’m joining you on your decision to go to UM! I accepted all my financial aid offers, paid my enrollment deposit and registered for orientation. I haven’t gone through the loan process yet but I will within the next few weeks.</p>

<p>That’s awesome. Don’t worry it’ll be worth it!!
Where did you register for orientation? through myum?</p>

<p>Yo halidir, have u been accepted at other un</p>

<p>Hey Bombazo, nope. I have heard anything from other unis. How about you? I’m kind of leaning toward UM cuz Boston is just insanely expensive.</p>

<p>Cristina you sign up for orientation through myum. There’s some other stuff offered there once you pay your enrollment deposit like hosing meal plans and proof of immunization.</p>

<p>I payed my enrollment deposit already.
Sabrina where did you sign up for orientation? I’ve looked everywhere on myum page and I don’t see anything about orientation…</p>

<p>If you go under the regular UM home page, you go under student life and then new student orientation. You can follow the link through there to register and to see the schedules, etc. Let me know if you get it.</p>

<p>Actually under student on myum, go to academic and then view your admissions information. There you’ll see a page that shows your a checklist of things you need to do and registering for orientation is one of them.</p>

<p>Oooh yes I see it. Thank you!</p>

<p>hey Halidir. </p>

<p>I was accepted today to Northeastern University and to UT Austin about two weeks ago.</p>

<p>I am leaning toward UT because of its strong econ program and great rep, but i still want too see if Miami takes me. it´s a hard choice but i think i´ll go with UT, or not, i am not sure yet.</p>

<p>good luck.</p>

<p>Good luck bombazo</p>

<p>Congrat Bombazo!!! Sorry I was having finals this week. Whatever your choice is, good luck! But if we somehow meet, i’ll buy you dinner. hahaha</p>

<p>So no news yet? for those of you waiting?..</p>