Transfer students accepted

<p>Nope Cristina, I think the forgot about me. lol</p>

<p>what? omg that’s too much!!!
I wonder what the hell is taking them so much time…?</p>

<p>I just got rejected from NEU and that is my safety choice… Um doesnt wanna answer me. What is going on???</p>

<p>Damn Halidir, im sorry man. i´ll be going to UT Texas but i also havent recieved anything from UM.</p>

<p>You should call the office, this is just stupid. what the **** is going on with Miami??<br>
i´ll buy u dinner now, if we meet somehow.</p>

<p>Good Luck man, cheer up.</p>

<p>Thanks man! UT Austin is a great school. I’m sure you will like it there. I called them and they say we will know next week. Well let’s wait and pray!</p>

<p>Congrats bombazo.
yeah seriously what the hell is wrong UM?
They’re taking so much time…</p>

<p>Do Junior transfers pick their classes at orientation, or do they pick them at another point? Also, is there priority for transfers since they’re juniors and not freshman on classes?</p>

<p>btw, what else is planned at orientation in august? i’m told it’s really important to go even though i’m not too crazy about a three day long orientation.</p>

<p>Wow UM is making me so frustrated! I called again today to ask what’s taking them so long and the lady told me that they wanted to know (in writing) what I was doing from June 2008 to august 2009. I called more than a month ago asking them if I was missing anything and the lady told me I had everything, she did not tell me this.</p>

<p>what the heck? they need to know what you were doing? Maybe you didn’t attend college at the time? if that’s the case, I would just go ahead and submit a letter. </p>

<p>I think UM is taking really long this year on the acceptances. I hear a lot of people are waitlisted, etc.</p>

<p>Sabrina starting may 1st through may 31st you can register for classes. Just called your school and make an appointment.</p>

<p>Yeah registration opened</p>

<p>I didn’t know this! Where did you hear about this and which school are you part of? I need to go ASAP, I don’t want the classes to be all full.</p>

<p>Don’t worry, if you really need a class they’ll make sure you get into it. All the current students have been registered for a month, anyway, and they won’t be registering the new freshman for another month or so, probably, so you have time.</p>

<p>I called today and they said that transfers should be getting a letter in the mail with the date and time they should be going in to register with the transfer advisor.</p>

<p>I am part of the communication school and I knew this before may started. So yeah you may want to call and make your appointment. I might go this Thursday.</p>

<p>I’m guessing the arts & sciences school might be different. they told me I would be reciving a lettering in the mail indicating when I would be going in to meet with someone.</p>

<p>Yeah maybe each school is different!</p>

<p>I’m a junior (from fiu) trying to transfer to UM. my GPA is a 3.5. Since I have over 60 credits UM doesnt require essays, personal statements or anything else other than my transcripts, lor, and colleges officials report. So two questions:</p>

<li>Whats my chances with this gpa?</li>
<li>If I’m rejected for the fall, can i reapply for the spring semester or do I have to wait a whole academic year?</li>

<p>I was accepted about a week and a half ago. I was so shocked because I applied about 2.5 weeks ago which is REALLY late. They didn’t even receive my SAT scores before they accepted me! </p>

<p>Whats everyone going to do about housing??? also, is anyone up for making a transfer facebook group?</p>

<p>Wow, congrats on getting in like that! I live off campus with my bf, but I hear the UV ( university village) is the best in comparison to all the dorms. I’m not sure if it’s open for first year transfers but if it is I would recommend it. </p>

<p>A FB page would be awesome if I had a FB  I’m like the only person nowadays without one. Let me know when, and if, one gets created. That’s a good reason to join in!</p>